View Full Version : the equalise option in P.S 6

13-12-2018, 8:51pm
i have been using ps6 for a few years now, and have only just noticed the equalise option in the adjustments menu (i am a bit slow sometimes)
having played with it on a few images it appears to be a quick way to process certain pp steps, on some images
just posting this in case there are ps6 users who haven't found it yet

13-12-2018, 9:20pm
It was also in Photoshop 4 (the first I had). That's not CS4, but PS4, as in "years ago" :eek:

It's one of those functions that's hard to describe, and as you say, "...on some images..."

Adobe provide an aside to its usage in this link, (https://helpx.adobe.com/au/photoshop/using/making-quick-tonal-adjustments.html) along with "some other stuff".

Mark L
14-12-2018, 10:28pm
So Muddie is this equalise option the same as AM's linked Auto contrast item?

15-12-2018, 9:05am
yes Mark, the effect is like the auto contrast.
the effect can be too strong on some images, would be good if it had a slider so you could adjust the strength of the effect

15-12-2018, 11:02am
yes Mark, the effect is like the auto contrast.
the effect can be too strong on some images, would be good if it had a slider so you could adjust the strength of the effect
Just a thought, you could apply the adjustment to a 'Stamp Visible' layer [click on the topmost layer then press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E] and then adjust the opacity of that new layer to suit for the desired effect.

Cheers - :beer_mug:

15-12-2018, 1:32pm
yes Mark, the effect is like the auto contrast.
the effect can be too strong on some images, would be good if it had a slider so you could adjust the strength of the effect

Just a thought, you could apply the adjustment to a 'Stamp Visible' layer [click on the topmost layer then press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E] and then adjust the opacity of that new layer to suit for the desired effect.

Cheers - :beer_mug:

There is a slider for the Equalize function. It's called Edit - Fade, and it's as slithery as anything :eek::eek:
Look what it did to these vegetables...:eek:

15-12-2018, 4:40pm
i'm getting a nice education from this post, thanks Am