View Full Version : What You See When You Don't Have A Camera...

08-11-2018, 5:16pm
Obviously no pics!

Today it was a Spitfire in flight.:eek:

This is not an everyday occurrence for me - in fact, it was the first ever!

I got out of the car and heard an unfamiliar plane sound, and also an unusual flight path,
crossing the usual ones for light planes. I looked up and g:eek:ped when I recognised its
distinctive shape (the wings). But it was all over in less than 10 seconds, as it flew across
a patch of sky between buildings. I had a phone cam, but by the time you'd...:(

So I've got this mental picture. It was greenish-brown in color and it looked pretty clean.
I checked out for local bodies and found this likely one: https://spitfireassociation.com.au/

What a pity it was all over so soon :(:confused013

08-11-2018, 9:55pm
That would've been really annoying! With my phone (Moto G5 Plus, but applicable to most Moto phones), I just have to sort of flick/rotate it to launch the camera app. Perhaps there's something you can do with your phone so you don't have to first wake it up and do the whole security thing and then find the app and launch it etc.

08-11-2018, 11:13pm
i had a similar experience many years ago when i was at Uluru
i looked up and there was an F111 flying vertical with its wings extended flying around the rock

Mary Anne
09-11-2018, 10:44am
With my iPhone I just press the camera icon.
Though if it was only there for about 10 seconds and I am slow these days I would have missed it too.
You probably would not have captured it even if you had a DSLR unless the camera was hanging around your neck.

09-11-2018, 12:50pm
I got in contact with the society in the link above, and they helpful president
explained that what I said was right. I asked about any future flights over Sydney
and he said it was a one-off, arranged to honour a late pilot for his funeral that day.
(They had to get special permission for that flight path, perpendicular to the usual.)

This plane is based at Temora in NSW, and a/some Hurricanes are based at Scone.
So this piqued my interest, and I'm going to go and see both - when I can.

- - - Updated - - -

PS, M A. I was so surprised to see it was a Spitfire that I just didn't even think to take my
eyes off it :eek:

09-11-2018, 3:08pm
That would have been amazing to see.

I saw one at the "Illawarra Plane Show" a couple of years back but it was on the tarmac, not flying. I believe that show is on each year if you were interested in finding information on it. They fly out of the little airfield in Dapto and it's a great Day, I think it is called "Wings Over Illawarra" or something like that.

Aren't those old planes marvelous? A shame you couldn't get any photos but at least you saw it in person:)

Mark L
09-11-2018, 9:00pm
PS, M A. I was so surprised to see it was a Spitfire that I just didn't even think to take my
eyes off it :eek:
I like this.
We don't need to get photos of everything. Observing and hopefully saving an event to memory works for me.
While out and about trying to get photos of birds I've seen nature throw up so many interesting things that I'd never be able to photograph well. So at times I don't try the photos and just watch in wonder.:)

09-11-2018, 9:24pm
Temora Air Show for you Am. Should tick all the boxes. ;)

10-11-2018, 10:05am
Yep - I was going to say exactly what John said - Temora is very special.

10-11-2018, 1:07pm
I'd just like to get some close shots, like cabin, controls, etc. Of course, some of it
in flight. Will keep a look out for the next, Ta.

10-11-2018, 2:59pm
I like this.
We don't need to get photos of everything. Observing and hopefully saving an event to memory works for me.
While out and about trying to get photos of birds I've seen nature throw up so many interesting things that I'd never be able to photograph well. So at times I don't try the photos and just watch in wonder.:)

Haha. I remember my brother saying that about his trip in Europe. And I see his point where you’re at a truly beautiful spot and everyone is falling over themselves to photograph it and by the time you leave you realise you haven’t taken the place/moment in at all.

I know this as I’ve been guilty of it myself, though I make a conscious effort to not let it happen. Sometimes when travelling and time is not on your side it is more likely to occur, though.

10-11-2018, 6:35pm
I'd just like to get some close shots, like cabin, controls, etc. Of course, some of it
in flight. Will keep a look out for the next, Ta.

Am - we have been to Temora several times (Neil was an Instructor Glider Pilot hence the interest) and on at least one occasion after flying finished we were permitted onto the apron to inspect the planes and talk to the pilots. Don’t know if they do this every time or not but I am sure you would enjoy the day as the planes do nice low passes by the crowd.


10-11-2018, 7:31pm
Ta a lot, Lyn.:th3:

11-11-2018, 8:53pm
Not Temora, but can be done at most shows

https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8003/29382265345_98dcbf0b75_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LLpMPP)

11-11-2018, 10:59pm
Interesting link with information about the show. Apparently it was on only a few weeks ago (Oct 20th) and it is next scheduled for 2020.
