View Full Version : Have you checked out this ARS ??

07-10-2018, 9:17am
No, not what you were thinking. I found a new photo evaluation/critique site called ARS (Art Society Revolution) which is supposed to be a place where you can have your images critiqued.
Has anyone had any experience with this site? Sounds like a good idea in principle.

http://blog.arsbeta.com/ or https://arsbeta.com/

07-10-2018, 9:34am
I just did now... - by combing through as much of it as I could without joining.

It's front page is rather off-putting. - It made me feel @notmetoo :D

A "keep or ditch mechanism"?! to "give feedback to others"?:rolleyes:
It was created ("built on a dream") to "change the way..."
Etc., etc...

Sounds like another forum - of sorts :confused013 I'm not gunner join to find out what.
Ultimately, you dunno who they are :confused013

Of course, that's just me:eek:

07-10-2018, 9:48am
I didn't have to have it explained to me. I already knew that ARS was short for Ars Technica. Pretty good site if you are interested in computers, renewable energy, telecoms, and technology news generally - https://arstechnica.com/

PS: why would anybody want to join a website on the other side of the world to get critiques when, for a remarkably modest fee, our own Dr Harsh is willing to do that for you? And you may not know that, for only a little more, he will assign the score of your choice. (Strictly limited offer, conditions apply.)

07-10-2018, 9:48am
I had a similar reaction, but I'm also curious. On the one hand it isn't very well presented, but on the other it's a great idea. I guess everything starts in a bit of an experimental, evolving way - so maybe it will evolve and become useful, or maybe not.

I might sit back and see if it does develop rather than being one of the trail blazers .....

07-10-2018, 10:34am
This from their blog is the sort of unsustainable generalist [pest fish anagram]* that threatens to
swamp the world's mental oceans with islands of grey matter junk:

"...Be the first to join the revolution in photography — ARS. ARS is the first productive and authentic online learning community for photographers and visual artists..."

If it's hardly even started yet, how can it claim to have such high-falutin' attributes already?:confused013

*Anagram is "carp".

07-10-2018, 11:20am
If it's hardly even started yet, how can it claim to have such high-falutin' attributes already?:confused013

Ahhhh ... now that falls into the same bracket as TV stations that claim that their new programs are "The most popular program on TV; Australia's new obsession; The highest rating TV show; What everyone has been waiting for etc etc.

I think it works on the principle that the community as a whole is brain dead.

...... but wait! Looking at who the community elects, maybe that's a valid assumption !!! :eek:

08-10-2018, 7:22am
Here is another site which a fellow camera club member told me about a while ago - luckily I still had the email else I would have forgotten the name of the site. I did try a few images initially and it was interesting to see the results. I'd still prefer human feedback and critique though.


08-10-2018, 8:10am
Here is another site which a fellow camera club member told me about a while ago - luckily I still had the email else I would have forgotten the name of the site. I did try a few images initially and it was interesting to see the results. I'd still prefer human feedback and critique though.

Whoa! Fancy having a computer assessing your work! I guess that would take out the bias factor of normal judging. Although photos of computer chips might get the nod. I think I agree, photography (or any art really) needs a human eye to assess its "awesomeness" .

I wonder where we could find real people to critique our work ....... oh wait .... we're standing in it! :lol: