View Full Version : Online shopping - this is why I do it.

14-08-2018, 1:19pm
I do a lot of shopping online and this is the reason why.

Today I decided the holes in my existing pairs of jeans were too embarrassing to wear in public so I relented and retired them to be used in the garage. Hence I thought I would go to my local shopping center and buy a pair of blue, everyday, not fancy jeans to suit an older statesman.....big mistake.

I get in my car - drive the 20mins, fight for a car park and trek my way into the shopping center. Where else to go but a place who specialize in jeans - yep "J**t Jeans". Problem is today they are closed until later this afternoon for stock-take, dam...I am not waiting around for them to open. Next stop a large department store where after walking through the kids section, the perfume section, the women's underwear section, the kitchen section and finally to the men's clothing section, I found the jeans corner section. After picking up every pair of jeans I could reach I was told by a polite sales assistant "sorry sir we don't seem to have your size". Now I am not a large man - in fact a 35" waste but only a 30" inside leg. Most jeans were in excess of 32" - seems in today's language that makes me a short ar$e.

Ok next stop - lets try a Kmart or Target (why do they put these stores in the exact opposite end of a shopping center) - well after walking through the kids section, the kitchen section...yada yada yada, I found the jeans section. Now these guys have all type of clothing but not Levis or Lees or real jeans. Sizes vary in waste size as long as you count in even numbers 30", 32", 34", 36"...etc. I only found two inside leg sizes - 32" and 34". Now I looked around and even tried to size myself up to the guy next to me - he was shorter than me so where does he shop for jeans? Maybe he has long legs and a short body....

Anyway to cut a long story short - I come home, logged on to the Levi jeans website, found the style of jeans I wanted in my exact size with free delivery within a couple of days. Why I wasted my kayaking / fishing / cycling / photography time trying to buy jeans at a local shopping center is beyond me and a lesson learned.

We question why retail is losing out to online shopping - it is not all about price. In recent times I have shopped for cycling / kayaking / fishing accessories all from the convenience of my kitchen bench whilst enjoying a cool beer on the side. I am not only spoilt for choice, but I can do brand comparisons, read reviews and in most cases have free express delivery with the option of free returns if I am not happy - all at a competitive price (which is easy to compare).

As Gough Whitlam once said "God save the Queen, because nothing will save the retail shopping centers".

I rest my case your honor.

14-08-2018, 1:49pm
I can ONLY advise that next time you try for a shirt/underwear/pair of gloves/a teatowel...
- Betcher y'll 'ave less trubble!