View Full Version : Sydney Oven - Instructions For Use

30-12-2016, 8:15am
Also known affectionately as "The Sydney" :D - an innovative local development:cool:
1. Turn up THE HEAT.
2. Leave for several days.
3. Let stand and swelter.
4. Reduce HEAT with BEER, Fans, or Southerly Change to taste.

There are many other similar developments around the country:nod:

30-12-2016, 5:43pm
:p Come up to the tropics, then you'll know what real heat is and a good dose of humidity added as well.

30-12-2016, 5:52pm
:D I know. Been there. However Yesterday was HOTTER than there.
"Us souvvern states" cop NW windss that really cook!:eek::D

(However, I know you cop it way more often than we do.:()

31-12-2016, 12:46am
Just spent 4 days away from Melbourne in central Victoria at Bendigo. At least I get a cool sea breeze at home. No open water in Bendigo so no cool breeze. It least the g old mine was cool but alas no takeaway. And then too hot and muggy to walk the dogs. I guess it would not matter where you were in this oppressive spell of weather with 24 or 26 degrees overnight temperature. Refrigerated aircon goes in Saturday :D

Mark L
02-01-2017, 8:45pm
You can all go and live in London.:eek:

03-01-2017, 8:14am
You can all go and live in London.:eek:

Hmm! So how Mudgee's a ticket to there?:umm:

05-01-2017, 11:19am
RSPCA must be busy in Sydney, rounding up all the #####es. :rolleyes:

The word I used above meows. The profanity filter is not grammar sensitive. :D

05-01-2017, 11:47am
...The profanity filter is not grammar sensitive. :D

Maybe it's HEAT sensitive:eek:...

05-01-2017, 12:13pm
Sydney's climate is pretty mild, I'd have to say. Of course it does suffer a little from all that concrete and glass, and the heat island effect. Move up to Port Macquarie. :D

05-01-2017, 12:41pm
:p Come up to the tropics, then you'll know what real heat is and a good dose of humidity added as well.

Ha ha it's been hotter and just as humid here in Brisbane lately !

And we don't have air con. It sucks.

05-01-2017, 3:54pm
And we don't have air con. It sucks.

There's your problem. You've mistaken the vacuum cleaner for the airconditioner.

06-01-2017, 3:09pm
Also turn regularly for even cooking

10-01-2017, 12:49pm
An ALASKAN song about Summer Time (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmUCqYdJ-1k) (there):D

I heard there was a version in Russian for singing in SIBERIA, but don;t know if Da or Nyet.:confused013