View Full Version : udesignphototours : where would you like to go?

22-08-2016, 6:56pm
Now that our udesignphototours competition is over, the folks at udesignphototours are interested in where AP members might like to go.

So here is a poll. If you had a choice of the tours on offer, which one would you choose?

22-08-2016, 7:08pm
Alaska :D

22-08-2016, 7:27pm
Galapagos Islands for me!

Been to Alaska. It was an interesting place but there are really only a couple of ways in and out. Air or cruise boat. Or a 3,500 km road trip from Vancouver to Anchorage and then another huge drive from one end to the other. The cruise offers limited photo opportunities because you are on board and sailing by the Golden Hour (probably 10 pm in summer). Still, if you can afford to pay for a personalised experience - staying in lodges, etc. you could have a truly exceptional experience. Even then, a lot of Alaska looks like a lot of the rest of Alaska. Firs, Spruce and Alders. It is also quite muddy with grey water from glaciers. The salmon run was something though.

Two takeouts from Alaska:

Firstly, only 40% of homes have indoor plumbing - imagine having to walk out to a drop toilet when the temperature is 30 degrees below zero!

Secondly, if you are unfortunate enough to hit a moose when driving (and you survive - because moose are enormous) you must call the State Troopers who will refer to their list of people who have put their names down for road killed moose. They then have three hours to claim the moose.

Interesting place. The firewood piles were twice the size of their houses!

22-08-2016, 7:53pm
Well, been to "badlands" in Canada. "Did" a cruise that skirted Alaska AND have seen
the Canadian Rockies - all very :nod: places, certainly.

Dunno if a big "ciddy" would be "great" in the face of just "a place to see" like these. I have heard about the
experience and have seen lots of pics of Antarctica, and I think that'd have to be my choice.

(A place like the wilder parts of) Alaska - any season - would also be good.

OK, when do I go?:nod: :D

PS: Talk of a hard choice:nod:

22-08-2016, 8:13pm
Antarctica... undoubtedly great but really expensive and comes with at least 48 hours of severe sea sickness each way. Come to think of it that also applies to the Galapagos.

I have always wanted to see the great American National Parks - Yosemite, Yellowstone, Joshua Tree, Monument Valley and the Grand Canyon. That would be sensational!

22-08-2016, 8:22pm
Antarctica... undoubtedly great but really expensive and comes with at least 48 hours of severe sea sickness each way...

Oh! - I thought Udesign were paying:D:D OK, they can send me by hospital ship:vomit1:

(:oops: I forg:ot to vote last post:shh:)

Mary Anne
23-08-2016, 8:17am
The US Canyon Lands for me.

23-08-2016, 8:23am
Ireland ..... Unfortunately i am not going anywhere as I am pretty much house bound with my wife.

23-08-2016, 11:47am
The Kimberleys in good old OZ, thank you.

The sailing cruise from Broome to Darwin would suit me just fine.

Mark L
23-08-2016, 10:11pm
The Kimberleys in good old OZ, thank you.

The sailing cruise from Broome to Darwin would suit me just fine.

Kev, I think it the Kimberley.:p
Other than that I have to agree you've bought up a great place to visit and photograph.:th3::th3:

27-08-2016, 5:48am
Back to the bush in Cambodia/Thailand. Lots of critters.....MACRO HEAVEN :D:cool: