View Full Version : Topaz Plugins error

09-07-2016, 10:48am
Hi, is there anyone out there who uses Topaz plugins as I am having issues and Topaz tech staff are taking ages to reply to my email for help. I have had Topaz for a few years now with no problems whatsoever. Then 2 weeks ago I bought a new laptop and dutifully downloaded my plugins from my Topaz account. Now they don't work. For 3 of them I get error 2004 saying it cant find the file and with one I get a Windows Runtime error. I have uninstalled and re downloaded numerous times trying different things suggested on the Topaz forum but to no avail, so I am wondering whether there is anyone on this forum who has experienced similar problems and has actually found a solution. I am wondering if it is Windows 10?

09-07-2016, 11:12am
I'm not sure Win 10 is the cause... I've had Topaz installed on my Laptop (Win 7) for ages before upgrading to Win 10. It still runs fine. I believe Topaz can only be installed on a maximum number of 2 devices (that's what it says on the website). Perhaps that's why? I'm not sure how to fix it though. Maybe you need to uninstall from one of them, or buy another set of serials? Sorry I can't help much.

09-07-2016, 2:56pm
Thanks Piczilla, but it didn't work the first install onto my new laptop which would have made it the 2nd device. But maybe I didn't do it right the first time and now it won't work as I have downloaded it multiple times now. I am so desperate now, that I will believe any possibility. One option if I cant fix it is to get my old laptop which crashed back up running again and use the installed LR 5 and already installed Topaz and use it just to do adjustments on Topaz and then transfer the image onto my new laptop for final tweaks.

I'm just curious to know if any one else has experienced this glitch. It worked perfectly fine on my old laptop.

Lance B
09-07-2016, 5:33pm
I assume this is a plug in for Photoshop? I had a similar issue with one of my plug ins for Photoshop. If so, in Windows, you need to look in the program files under Adobe depending on whether you are using 64 bit or 32 bit - 32 bit is "Programs Files (x86)", 64 bit is just "Program Files". I can't remember the exact thing I did, but after downloading and then extracting the file (plug in) I copied the extracted file plug in from the "Download" folder, then pasted it into the Plug in file for Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 (this is the latest version) - you may have a different Photoshop version. In my computer, it was:
"Local Disc (C:)" - then select "Program Files" - then select "Adobe" - then select "Photoshop CC 2015.5" (this is my version, yours might be different) - then select "Plug-Ins" - then paste Topaz into the Plug-ins folder.

09-07-2016, 6:40pm
Not sure if the following is of any help, but I am running CS6 in Win7 Pro 64 Bit and the Topaz Labs Plug Ins are in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Topaz Labs

Here is a screen capture.



09-07-2016, 9:40pm
Have you tried downloading from the Topaz site itself, rather than your previous downloads? I just updated my Photoshop CC and all my plug ins disappeared :lol2: had trouble with clarity and just downloaded it fresh from the Topaz download page.

09-07-2016, 10:58pm
Thanks Lance but I use Light Room not Photoshop. The really annoying thing is that I had no trouble with my other laptop. I have been told that error 2004 means there is a non compatible element in the file path but it is exactly the same file path as before on my previous laptop so don't know why it has gone from reading the file to not recognising it.

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks LPlates but have downloaded from the Topaz site to get the latest updates. Makes no difference whatsoever. I have downloaded from my Topaz account, from my backup files and from the site itself as if a new customer but still the same error message except for Restyle I get a Windows Runtime error. :confused013

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks Nardes but I have no trouble in downloading. They install ok and I know where they are filed. Its just when I choose to edit through Fusion Express it creates the Tiff file ready for editing but when I choose the plugin I want, it keeps coming up with an error message.

10-07-2016, 8:12am
Hi Helen. Sorry I misunderstood you. When you said "For 3 of them", I thought you meant for 3 devices. Could you please tell us in details about the steps you did before the error occurred? (What you downloaded/installed/registered/pressed/etc). Some screenshots would be great too. Have you heard back from the Topaz staff? Last time I contacted them, it took them 2 days to come back to me.

10-07-2016, 10:34am
Nardes had the answer I was going to post, but I see you're not using photoshop. With the site problems at the moment, I keep losing the forum anyway. Sorry.

11-07-2016, 9:31am
Have a look at Topazlabs support page on Error 2004

Error 2004 (https://support.topazlabs.com/hc/en-us/articles/200627947-Error-Code-2004)

Topaz Installer Lightroom (https://support.topazlabs.com/hc/en-us/articles/200091347-Accessing-Topaz-Labs-in-Lightroom)

Hope it helps sort out the issue

12-07-2016, 10:29pm
Thanks guys but the problem is quite involved. There were some very knowledgeable people on the Topaz forums who went through everything and they are even stumped. Had no reply to my email so have posted a new help request as I've been told the Topaz tech guys will be the only ones who can help. There are rumours it may be an incompatibility glitch between Topaz and Dell laptops.

29-07-2016, 10:49pm
Well I have had the problem resolved. Needed a Team Viewer session with a Topaz tech guy who discovered it was an incompatibility with a program I had previously installed on my laptop. The program was File Viewer Lite which I had installed so I could view raw files outside of LR. The program itself was fine but the readers they use are incompatible with the readers Topaz use so it was a simple matter of uninstalling this program and now Topaz works fine. Amazing how simple the problem was but so pesky. Took ages to solve. So if anyone uses File Viewer be aware it doesn't like Topaz Plugins

29-07-2016, 11:14pm
Well I have had the problem resolved. Needed a Team Viewer session with a Topaz tech guy who discovered it was an incompatibility with a program I had previously installed on my laptop. The program was File Viewer Lite which I had installed so I could view raw files outside of LR. The program itself was fine but the readers they use are incompatible with the readers Topaz use so it was a simple matter of uninstalling this program and now Topaz works fine. Amazing how simple the problem was but so pesky. Took ages to solve. So if anyone uses File Viewer be aware it doesn't like Topaz Plugins

Thanks for the updates Helen. Glad to hear it got sorted. If you still have Windows 10, I believe the Windows picture viewer allows you to open certain RAW files (mine does NEF, but doesn't like DNG).