View Full Version : Editing Programe

15-06-2016, 8:59am
Hi people,
I have just been looking at an editing program called PhotoPlus X7.
On the face of it and the advertising, it appears to be a reasonably capable.
Has anyone got it or used it ?
An input will be greatly appreciated.
Stay safe,

15-06-2016, 9:40am
I had a look at a couple of reviews. It seems alright.

The guff by the coy itself about Photoshop being for professionals sounded :D

I don't think I'd pay for it, though. Ie, certainly stick to the free version.
(Actually, I wish Adobe would make some later versions free:rolleyes:)

16-06-2016, 12:32pm
Hi Am,
They are offering it for $25.
I think I have a handle on this sit now, huge thanks for your help, greatly appreciated. :rose:
By the way, off to Cairns tomorrow to pick up my Tameron 70-200 F2.8 tomorrow.