View Full Version : A bit of fun - Millennials. For the Gen-Y-er's out there.

Lance B
04-06-2016, 9:58am
A bit of fun. This is for those from the Gen Y generation. Good words:


04-06-2016, 10:34am
Thanks Lance – brought a smile to the face of this baby boomer, albeit a wry one!:)



04-06-2016, 10:47am
Ta a lot, Lance. Better words than the original song.

The catchy tchune suits. Spot on! No! Not just for Millennials but for ANY segment of society.

Wish I coudda shown you last evening's classic:
Here we are waiting to cross a wet road at night...
Will the tallish 30-yr-old beside us stop texting, head-bent over into her phone, when the Walk sign starts?
Nope! Doesn't even lift her head.
(Should I yield to temptation and say something? - Nope! Who cares?)

04-06-2016, 6:19pm
Gotta love a good tune.......:lol:

Mark L
04-06-2016, 8:02pm
Glad I don't have to grow up in the world millennials have to grow up in. Would also prefer one to trump a potential next US president.
Just sayin'.;)

04-06-2016, 9:50pm
Cute :) Haha. Love it :D

05-06-2016, 7:10am
hahaha. very good.

21-06-2016, 8:27am
Love it! I think I will share that link with my work colleagues - we all think the same about Gen Y. As teachers they are often frustrated about how some students just expect everything to be done for them.:D

25-06-2016, 4:07pm
I couldn't have said it better myself.