View Full Version : Part Time Study

22-05-2016, 12:18am
Hey Guys,

It's been a while since I've been here so I'm sorry for jumping straight back in with a question.

I've been doing some photography as a hobby away from my full time job and I was wanting to try study and accredited photography course part time while still working. Does anyone know of any good ones they could recommend? I'm not sure if id eventually pursue a career in the industry full time, but it would be nice to get study something I thoroughly enjoy.



22-05-2016, 5:49am
Look for an accredited Registered Training Organisation (RTO). There are a huge range of companies out there offering a 'Diploma' in photography that are not RTO's, so thus any certificate you get from them is just that a certificate..made up by them.. and frankly often not worth the paper it is written on.

Finding a course via an RTO means you gain a Australian Government recognised qualification. Now once you find an RTO who does the photography diploma, these are the ones you seek:



22-05-2016, 6:42am
Hi, I'm currently studying a free unit through university of Tasmania, it's a government supported course and they cover the cost of the fees (no hecs/fee help debt!) the unit is called Photography and Social Media, I believe it's a part of one of their masters courses...you might need a prerequisite of a degree, you might want to double check!

While the course is not quite what I was expecting (mostly beginners to photography), I've pushed myself to get the most out of it by coming up with more complex assignment goals than just, "your first project is to take a selfie"

I've found that it has been a good way to set aside some time and work out what it is I want to do with my photography and pursue some themes that I always overlook.
Ps there are no essays to write! Woohoo!

24-05-2016, 7:54pm
Yeah, I'll keep looking for now. I wish it was easier to get a course going that will set me a good challenge that I can do while I work.

Thanks =)

27-05-2016, 8:35pm
yeah hi, I'm in the same boat

I'm asking around for this answer too

Some responses were:
1. do a bunch 2-3 day courses on a specific topic like night fotography, still, sports, etc..whatever you like obviously
this may help decide your path

2. get the best books you can buy
it may be all you really want

3. sign up for online PT course/s
will you commit to it in the long run ?

My answer ? I will get some great books at this stage, some (very very) techincal, some arty

If I'm still salivating after all that, its back to school for me..

Mark L
30-05-2016, 8:52pm
So long standing members with 14796, 12 and 3 posts have offered you advices Dylan.
Mostly good advice but I reckon a couple of them would benefit from posting and getting CC here on AP.