View Full Version : Young Ringtail Possum loose in the house

23-03-2016, 1:10pm
Last night around dusk, I was out the front of my property picking up some branches off the footpath. Suddenly there was a thud, less than a meter away from me on the concrete path. Looking down I saw a very young Ring tail, lying motionless. I picked it up and it opened it's eyes, so I raced it into the house and placed it in a ( sorry, Mary Anne ) box, with some old rags. Thinking it most likely was injured from it's fall, I rang the vet, but they just put me off, saying they would only take it if it was injured. I kept it over night in the computer room, and i could here the occasional scratching coming from the box. This morning when I woke I jumped on line and the possum was still giving the occasional scratching. I decided it was time to let it go, so I took the box to the base of the tree from which it fell and opened it. Alas! no possum. Now my computer room is also the junk room and houses my massive rock collection, my massive stamp collection and a collection of 100's of 1000's of Met tickets. It also contains many boxes and book cases. No where to start. My first quick scan of the entire room did not locate said possum. Then a though came to me, the door has always been open. It could be anywhere in the house. At this stage I though, " hopeless looking for it, I will just have to wait until we here it. I do not know how it escaped from the box, as I had an elastic band around it and one of my stamp stock books standing on it. So does any one have a solution to my problem.

Mark L
23-03-2016, 8:13pm
So does any one have a solution to my problem.
Keep boxes containing possums outside.:D

Good on you for helping the animal. Hopefully it understand that one good turn deserves another and it's found it's way outside. Suppose you find out tonight. Let's hope there's no scratching sounds.

23-03-2016, 10:45pm
found and released. I think it did know we were trying to help it. I was sitting at the computer and I heard some scratching from behind me, I looked around and saw it on the door frame, I just walked over and picked it up, no fuss, And mum showed up shortly after.


23-03-2016, 10:47pm

Ross the fiddler
26-03-2016, 11:22pm
That's a great story. We do have them around here but it's the Brushtails that are the ones that aren't backward in coming forward & ask for a feed. The beautiful thing has been when mother had baby on her back asking for a feed. It's a privilege to have these animals around (although people would not agree).

Thanks for the photo too.

27-03-2016, 7:27am
A lovely story TG and you have captured those beautiful eyes really well :)

27-03-2016, 10:13am
An excellent outcome Grump.

Mother and child reunited, and house not demolished. :eek: