View Full Version : Potato #345 (2010)

25-01-2016, 9:29am
This just sold for $1 million.


25-01-2016, 9:43am
Good grief!!...I hope they fries with that :D

25-01-2016, 9:45am
It's my new superannuation plan. I'm off to the Fruit and Veg shop this morning! Should make a mint!

25-01-2016, 9:48am
Should make a mint!
Good point/idea...I've got mint growing wild here!!...off to find the secateurs :D :D

25-01-2016, 10:23am
I am astounded that someone actually found that image so beautiful to purchase for such an amount.

Why not just go and look in the fridge,or cupboard,and stare at a spud for ten minutes? Whole lot cheaper.

Steve Axford
25-01-2016, 10:53am
I think the point is that the purchaser knows lots about money and almost nothing about art. But he knows four things: a) that Kevin's photos sell for lots of money b) that art often appreciates in value c) that this potato is Kevin's favourite d) that owning this potato will give him bragging rights with his neighbours (who also, presumably, know nothing about art, but also have lots of money)

25-01-2016, 11:13am
This just reinforces my opinion of "Art". 99% of it is crap.

Grant S
25-01-2016, 1:16pm
Well you have to admit, its a very nicely lit and shot spud. As to value, oh well good luck to him for asking and getting what he wanted.

25-01-2016, 1:25pm
There are people in this world who obviously just have so much money they waste it on any old crap :D

25-01-2016, 1:28pm
What a BLIGHT and how famine-engendering that price is!!

25-01-2016, 4:05pm
You would need to have one HUGE POTATO FETISH to fork out for that.

Give me a pic of a nice Smith's Crinkle Cut any day.

25-01-2016, 6:39pm
Perhaps this blue and yellow painting that sold for $46M is more to your taste: http://uk.businessinsider.com/afp-rothko-painting-sells-for-46.5-million-in-ny-auction-2015-5?r=US&IR=T

25-01-2016, 6:47pm
Bad enuff to know there are Lunar Ticks on the loose!!:eek: --And they're cashed up?:(

At least there's no accounting for taste. That's clearly cheap:D

Grant S
25-01-2016, 6:52pm
Well as artybollocks.com (http://www.artybollocks.com) says: "What starts out as triumph soon becomes corroded into a carnival of distress, leaving only a sense of nihilism and the inevitability of a new synthesis."

25-01-2016, 6:58pm
Well as artybollocks.com (http://www.artybollocks.com) says: "What starts out as triumph soon becomes corroded into a carnival of distress, leaving only a sense of nihilism and the inevitability of a new synthesis."

Yes, that started off well, but it collapsed into a load of "arty bollox":D:D
Gawsh! (Polite version of HOGWASH!) Is there no escape?!:eek::D

- - - Updated - - -

PS: Is "Arty Bollox" related to "Slarty Bartfast"? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slartibartfast)

25-01-2016, 8:51pm
It is not even an interesting potato. I agree, that even Douglas Adams couldn't have dreamed this one up.:lol:

26-01-2016, 12:54am
Perhaps this blue and yellow painting that sold for $46M is more to your taste: http://uk.businessinsider.com/afp-rothko-painting-sells-for-46.5-million-in-ny-auction-2015-5?r=US&IR=T

That makes the potato look like an absolute bargin :D

Mark L
26-01-2016, 10:18pm
What was omitted from the article was that there was some quantity of wine consumed over dinner as this transaction took place. (true story).
Now any of you that have a spare million in the bank, you're welcome to drop by for a meal. I'll supply the wine. Just PM me so I have some time to get some vegie photos ready (that's before I roast or steam them for the meal that proceeds you offering me $100,000 for the photo of the carrot you just ate. mmm, I'm a good cook!!!)