View Full Version : Can't look at pictures the same way anymore...

09-11-2015, 9:54pm
I enjoy going to image hosting sites and browsing through what people like to post.

Often I'll see a pic of a place and I like it so much I do a google search to see more images of that place.

Now things have changed.
My thinking has changed.
My focus has shifted.

Saw this album... http://imgur.com/gallery/8IsPZ (this is the link the album quotes as the source... http://www.davidburdeny.com/)

Initial thought was 'WOW'.
Secondary thoughts... 'How extravagant'.

Then something new crossed my mind.
'How difficult would it be getting the exposure right in those pics?'
wait, what?
'Ooh... that pic with the Dr Who roundels for overhead lighting would be exceptionally difficult'
Hold on... is this me thinking?

The architecture is magnificent... but the pics are just as impressive... and I'm starting to appreciate the efforts behind so much of what I see now. ;)

Hope the link stays active and I hope you all enjoy the pics.

09-11-2015, 11:48pm
I did enjoy the images thanks for sharing :)

10-11-2015, 7:56am
ahh. a bygone era where architecture did not mean concrete blocks arranged in patterns :D

I love going to places like this, luckily here in Hobart we have several of our own places that are stunning inside.

Hobart Town Hall (http://static1.squarespace.com/static/53ee3836e4b0b87c65999af2/t/547a39c5e4b04456c82486cf/1417296327316/Screen+Shot+2014-11-29+at+1.23.58+PM.png) I was here only 2 weeks ago, cause my work, won the 2015 Hobart customer service award for innovation.

Theatre Royal (http://www.bobdegrootpaintservice.com/images/heritage/Theatre_Royal_106.jpg) : the oldest theatre in Australia, which is having a huge university performing arts school built around it at present.

Government house ballroom (http://www.dcconferences.com.au/acnp2013/images/GH_Ballroom.jpg). Have been to several functions at Government House over the years. The ballroom and dining room are magnificent.

We do not make buildings like these any more (sadly).

Seems to me, as a beginner, you are starting to 'see' as a photographer. Looking for lines, patterns framing, while you are just walking around, most likely. Your journey as a photographer is going to take leaps in the next new months, now this is happening.

10-11-2015, 9:32am
Very interesting and beautiful. Thanks.:)

10-11-2015, 9:44am
SO that's the TARDIS! - It's BIG, er!, on the inside.

12-11-2015, 2:15pm
I concur. Thanks for sharing images and thoughts