View Full Version : What is Velvia

01-11-2015, 9:48pm
Is this a process you can do to an existing photo, or is it just the result of the Velvia film. If it is a result of processing, I would like to see some examples before and after and find out how it was done.

01-11-2015, 10:50pm
google it grump

01-11-2015, 10:57pm
Have already Googled it. Did not tell me what it is exactly or how to produce it.

Mark L
01-11-2015, 11:19pm
How to produce it will depend on the software you have.
So if you have CR6 (or whatever), google velvia CR6 (or whatever), it should give you a clue to the PPing needed.

02-11-2015, 4:54am
Like Mark said .. what software are you using?

(Oh! .. and have you switched from jpg capture to raw capture yet? .. makes a difference).

... just (hopefully)quickly: If you've started using ViewNX2(and raw capture), you can download a pile of Picture Controls that ViewNX2 then uses to PP your images into these so called processes.

If you're into that kind'a thing, it helps massively in that it can make PP time quicker.

**note** the reason for the Q on whether you're shooting raw or jpg, is just that if you shoot jpg and you use these filter thingies, the jpg file is unalterably set in that way .. so you'd need to save that image as a separate file to the original(if you care about the original!).
If you shoot in raw capture mode tho, you can 'chop and change' the filter effect as you please on the original raw file and still go back to the original again if you don't like the effects.

Oh!... and those Picture Controls don't work on jpg files either!

02-11-2015, 6:39am
Velvia is a high saturation film that was made by fujifilm. In particular it saturated the 'colours of nature' very well so was often used for landscapes.

There are heaps of velvia add-ons for most digital editing packages that will replicate (or close to) the effects of the original film.

Oh and the whole idea of putting it in as a challenge was to get members researching and finding out what it was and how to do it. After all what would be the point of challenges, if we didn't make you work for them...hehe

And if you use photoshop,. I can even give you a link direct to a heap of actions, right here on AP. The very last one is a velvia/provia (another film) action set. Now you just have to learn how to install and use an action. :D

Ausphotography Photoshop Actions Set (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/staff/photoshop_actions/)

02-11-2015, 8:26am
Velvia used to be a film. Today it is a popular "look" similar to that produced by the film. It is unrealistic and unpleasant: the colours are too loud. Perhaps it works better in the Northern Hemisphere where natural colours don't look much like Australian colours. Then again, perhaps not.

Kevin M
01-01-2016, 11:45pm
A good informative post Rick......I loved using Velvia film 20 odd years ago for reasons you specify.