View Full Version : To Aspiring Professional Photographers: What If The Problem Is That You Suck?

14-11-2014, 1:50am
I really should check Petapixel more often - they've had a couple of interesting articles of late,
This one is worth reading all the way to the end.


14-11-2014, 11:49pm
Interesting read... and one that i really resonate with.... i have a few friends recently that have had maternity shoots done and another a wedding and seriously the pics they have put up with watermarks from the photographers are dismal to say the least. I would never comment myself on such work, but seriously, its not hard to see that there is especially a perception out there that all you need is a camera to be a professional shooter....hold the talent.
in saying that, you certainly dont have to be the best shooter out there to make a good living, but it certainly helps if you have any aspirations of being a professional photographer in a long term sense... and actually make money to support yourself...
once again thanks for the link Matt
