View Full Version : Frank's Intro Message

03-10-2014, 6:53pm
Hi everyone, I'm Frank and I've been interested in photography for many years though haven't always been practicing the art.
I am very much an amatuer and not very good even though my income affords me the opportunity to buy very good equipment.
My current gear consists of a Nikon D800e, Nikkor 28-300, Tokina 16-28, and a Sigma 150 Macro. I have recently purchased the Olympus OMD-EM1 with the 12-40 pro lens.
After using the Olympus for a couple of weeks I have renamed the D800e the Nikon OMG because I say "oh my god" every time I pick it up now.
My main area of interest is Macro photography though I haven't got much decent stuff to show.

Look forward to getting great advice and furthering my skills through this site.

03-10-2014, 7:35pm
Welcome Frank. See you and your photos on the forums soon.

03-10-2014, 7:36pm
Hi Frank. Welcome to AP.
I have moved your post into its own INTRO thread, so people will see you and respond.

Now, you know what? You've got enough gear to sink a ship, so...
you know it: take pics with it - yes, macros - post them up here, and...
you're away.

For getting around here on AP, have a look at the How to in the Library. Click on the tab above.

Cheers, Am.

03-10-2014, 7:46pm
:gday: & Welcome to AP!
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

03-10-2014, 7:47pm
Cheers Frank and nice to have you along:tog:

03-10-2014, 8:06pm
Welcome Frank. Those Olympus OM-D's are great looking cameras, and if I was finished acquiring lenses for my Pentax I'd be all over one.


Mary Anne
04-10-2014, 7:58am
Hello Frank and Welcome to AP.. Will look forward to seeing what you post on the forums especially those macro images
You will get plenty of help here, so dont worry about how your images look put them on that's the best way to learn.

Even though I have that same Olympus kit plus the macro lens I still put a deposit down on the latest Canon model out.
Guess I will always be a Canon shooter till I dont have the strength to chase after those bugs with my usual 2298gms of macro gear :D

05-10-2014, 7:38pm
Welcome Frank - definitely some great gear you have there. You'll learn a lot here, participate, share, and a whole new world will open up to you :)