View Full Version : Hard Proofing method

Dylan & Marianne
02-10-2014, 8:17pm
Every once in a while, you reach and 'aha!!' moment in photography
One I remember is discovering luminosity masks

More recently, I found a method to hard proof just the once before sending off prints for clients.
If any of you do large prints for clients, I would HIGHLY recommend Sean Bagshaw's tutorial which can be found here

With reference to the original shot

What it looks like being sent off to the printing lab

And cheesy ole me holding a 20X30" milky way print

03-10-2014, 10:56am
Thanks for the share Dylan, very interesting indeed, I was going to ask you why your photo going to the printers was banded, but after watching the video I understand now.:th3:

04-10-2014, 8:40am
Yeah, the banding got me curious as well .. so I HAD to watch the video too.

Makes sense :th3:

Dylan & Marianne
05-10-2014, 6:18am
needs to be edited lol! I meant for the test print

07-10-2014, 11:30pm
as with Arthur you had me intrigued Dylan, so i too watched the vid.... glad i did, some good info, Thanks.
