View Full Version : I took a tumble on fri night, so did the new baby :(

15-09-2014, 11:40am
Was playing in a cemetery on Friday night, misstepped and to save myself from being impaled on some rusty metal had to let the tripod go, the D800e and my 14-24 took a nice fall into some gravel, missed the concrete by 2 inches, full force directly onto the back of the camera, ripped the rubber eye piece and a few big scratches on the case, lcd screen luckily is fine, lens is another matter it looks wonky now, bit cockeyed even.. focal length is hard to turn but its still autofocusing ok on landscape orientation, turn it portrait however and it won't focus properly :( off to Nikon Sydney today for assessment and repairs... very glad I took out insurance!

Nick Cliff
15-09-2014, 12:47pm
Sorry to hear about that Steph ,good move with the insurance , main thing you and the baby are ok ,regards Nick .

15-09-2014, 1:44pm
OUCH Steph. :(

What sort of cover do you have?

15-09-2014, 5:33pm
Hopefully good insurance Kev, full accidental attached to my contents and portable...

17-09-2014, 6:55am
Better to save your body than the camera. But can imagine how devastating damage to such an amazing lens would feel, glad you have insurance. As our lens collection grew and we started to travel more often within Aus I also took out cover under our home and contents insurance. Luckily haven't had to test it yet.

17-09-2014, 9:07am
Yep I was thinking I would rather have my leg intact than an intact camera! Also big note to self that if tired its time to go home!

17-09-2014, 10:53am
I know your pain, I have scored 3 in the last month. I had a flash and remote trigger fall off the top of a door (still work thanks to duct tape and cable ties), then my camera took a tumble off a table and scratched the body and bent the lens hood (all cosmetic damage). Finally I had wind blow over an umbrella and light stand at a night shoot last week breaking the flash mount on the stand. So it's been a good couple of weeks.

Part of the reason I use Yongnuo flashes in my work now, cheaper to replace when stuff like this happens.

17-09-2014, 6:12pm
This is why I rather not carry my 300mm f2.8 VR2 around. It will really break my heart :)

30-09-2014, 9:13am
Feeling sick, just got repair bill from Nikon, 800 to repair lens, they say camera is a write off, claim into insurance now :( anyone got an opinion on the 800e vs the 810 ? the policy is replace old for new... where I got the 800e from do not stock it anymore..

30-09-2014, 7:24pm
810 is slightly better in many respects, but this is more of a technical matter, rather than a pure image quality difference.

If the choice is given, 810 over 800E would be the way to go.