View Full Version : Product Photography Pricing

05-09-2014, 10:39am
I have been taking photos of slabs of meat in at the meatworks for a processor and I have no idea how to price this. It needs to be an hourly rate as I am going there multiple times for varying hours. I have to drive 35km to get there and allow for post processing too. I am only starting out professionally so I tend to undercut myself. Any help mostly appreciated PLEASE!!!!!..................

05-09-2014, 11:01am
I have been taking photos of slabs of meat in at the meatworks for a processor and I have no idea how to price this. It needs to be an hourly rate as I am going there multiple times for varying hours. I have to drive 35km to get there and allow for post processing too. I am only starting out professionally so I tend to undercut myself. Any help mostly appreciated PLEASE!!!!!..................

I'd be pricing at around $22/kg :D

In all seriousness, I wouldn't have the foggiest, I'm just posting so I can see the responses

I @ M
05-09-2014, 11:29am
I am only starting out professionally so I tend to undercut myself. Any help mostly appreciated PLEASE!!!!!..................

Off to a bad start methinks.
Seeing as we are talking dead beasts and the subject of undercutting has come up I would suggest that you are cutting your own throat from the very beginning.

If you had posted this before you started I would have a few suggestions about what to put in your written quotation or at the very least a verbal one regarding price but at the stage you are now if you provide them with images and give them a bill for $xxx.000 per hour and they tell you that they are only willing to pay$x.00 per hour you don't have much of a hind quarter of beef to stand on.

05-09-2014, 11:48am
Start here: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?73305-Becoming-a-Professional-Photographer

Then price professionally and don't undercut.

05-09-2014, 7:35pm
You are all so quick and Witty. Thanks for the laugh.

I @ M
05-09-2014, 7:42pm
Thanks for the laugh.

Glad you appreciate it, after all life is supposed to be fun in parts.

Of course, there is always a serious side to life that encompasses, responsibility, planning and research, in your case that seems to have taken a back seat in favour of hanging a badge on yourself and calling 000 at a later date.

Best of luck in your career.

08-09-2014, 2:15pm
Sorry you feel like that I @ M but it really isn't that dramatic. Although I did just pick up an SLR the day before hanging on the badge!!!!

08-09-2014, 2:36pm
One way to think about what you should charge is to think about what you could earn doing something else with your time . Perhaps that other job you have skills and training to do . For example , if I'm and engineer and can get a good job as an engineer earning $150,000 per year then ( assuming I work 52 weeks at 40 hrs a week ) that works out to be about $70 per hour. If I was wanting to set up as a consultant that should be minimum hourly rate , but in reality I also have to cover other costs like a car , a computer , professional indemnity and liability insurance etc. All these mean I may need to charge at least $100 per hour so I can clear the $150K I could get working as an employee. Factor in holidays ( 4 weeks when , as an small business owner you earn nothing , unlike an employee ) , plus a few other costs and $150 or $200 p/hr is looking more reasonable.

You may choose to work for less because you love being a photographer and don't enjoy being an engineer , but that's a personal decision to sacrifice what you could earn. Ultimately you have to pay the bills and put food on the table . Some people do work for very little , or free, because they love doing it , but you must recognise the opportunity cost is what you could be doing with your time to make a living.

If it is just a hobby for you and you don't intend to make a living off it you will probably charge an amount less than a professional that does have all the above costs and pressures. I don't have a problem with that as long as you and your client are happy . It is up to the professionals to justify the reason why they charge more and why they should be employed over you . They have to provide better quality , better service , better ...... etc....

No one owes anyone a living .

Just my thoughts on the matter.

Mark L
09-09-2014, 8:25pm
Sometimes we stumble into things and need to figure it out later. Experience is gained and hopefully questions answered.
So what will the photos of dead animals be used for?
And what are the verbal arrangements between you and the processor?

10-09-2014, 7:39am
Thankyou Mark L, I agree sometimes you need to be brave enough to think you can do it and I was (out of character). I needed to take plain photos of slabs of meat cuts, limited space in abattoirs. They are for the processors cut spec sheets for customers. I used my flash off camera in a large softbox on one side and reflected back on the other. They loved them, so all is happy. I have given them a half way invoice and they are happy and I am happy, of course money towards more camera gear!!!!. Just remember I am only in a small country town, I am still a stay at home Mum and My kids come first, so this is a part time gig because it's my passion. Thankyou all for your comments. It has worked out nicely for me.

William W
10-09-2014, 7:49am
I have been taking photos of slabs of meat in at the meatworks for a processor and I have no idea how to price this. It needs to be an hourly rate as I am going there multiple times for varying hours. I have to drive 35km to get there and allow for post processing too. I am only starting out professionally so I tend to undercut myself. Any help mostly appreciated PLEASE!!!!!..................

You have already begun work: so I think that you need to disclose an outline of what you have indicated or contracted with this client -AND – what you think that the client’s EXPECTATIONS might be, before relevant comment can be made.


. . . I'm just posting so I can see the responses

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