View Full Version : Canon gp-e2

03-07-2014, 4:31pm
Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone has had experience with the canon gp-e2 used in conjunction with lightroom 4. I am considering purchasing the gps unit, but need some feedback on how it performs.
Thanks Jim

03-07-2014, 8:13pm
The Canon GP-E2 GPS wont work on a 50D

04-07-2014, 8:29am
Sorry, I haven't updated my info. I have a 5d mkiii

04-07-2014, 5:18pm
What kind of (specific)feedback were you after?

If it's related only on the performance of the GP-e2, sorry can't help .. but I doubt it would be below par!
Unit actually looks OK(price excluded tho .. it's a bit steep!) .. and Nikon could learn a lot from Canon in this area. This specifically relates to the power supply.
Nikon's uses the camera battery(ie. no internal battery) .. Canon(being smarter) use a replaceable battery :th3:

As for Lr4 ... (checking) ... OK, just double checked.
Lr4(I have 4.4) has a feature called reverse geocoding .. whatever that means. If you open a file with geo data embedded, it asks you if you want to enable it.
I said yes.
In the metadata area, there is the lat/lon data, with an arrow next to it. if you press the arrow, it takes you to a Maps page.
(I guess this is what they mean with the term geocoding, maybe).
A Google map is shown, and if you still have the image file active, again you will see in the metadata the lat lon data for the file. if you click on the arrow again, it then pinpoints the location of where the image was captured.
In this metadata box area may also be a description of the location at the coordinates. This uses Google's inventory of location data. it may be sparse or it may be full of interesting location data.. eg. town name, state location, country etc ...

I haven't yet used this feature(I mainly use other software on the whole) but I assume that if you added your own location data .. eg. Dead Mans Creek/Dead Horse River junction at Hells Gate .. it may then annotate any other images with similar coordinates with the same user added metadata.

With the software I use, it allows you the option to try to use Wiki location information, if any is available.
Google's location database is probably centred more around the more popular areas, and as Australia is not so densely populated, location data of some regional areas may be a bit lacking on Google's part.
I can't see any option to use any other location service database(in Lr4).

So, if your concern is if Lr can use the embedded geotagged data, the answer is yes.

BTW there are many more software options for location based information too.