View Full Version : "Calmness in motion"

04-06-2014, 6:08pm
Canon 6d, Canon 100mm F2.8L IS USM Macro lens.


04-06-2014, 6:24pm
i do like your photos, but i don't see why you never put them in the CC forum? you will find more people will actually look at them and give you there thoughts be it " great photo" or a critique. also i suppose a lot of forum members don't like hitting a small file like you have , too be taken to your personal website ( i understand it boosts your page views which is a nice thing for you ) but members may just not even bother looking . im sorry if i sound harsh or have over stepped my mark and if you have taken offense to anything i have said , then im sorry.. but like i said you'll get a much better response if you use a photo hosting site and post in the forum other than " NOT FOR CRITIQUE "

04-06-2014, 6:31pm
Ok, will do :)

04-06-2014, 7:00pm
Looks like a delicate glass vase. Very beautiful.

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13-06-2014, 8:16pm
Shame it is a small image but nonetheless, a fabulous one. Mongo loves the technique and finished product. Particularly like the shapes frozen in space and time and the beautifully graduating colours from one to another. Very, very nice work . Mongo wishes he could do this sort of work.