View Full Version : Where do you find "peace"?

28-03-2014, 4:43pm
I find peace in my car, either driving, or driving somewhere nice and just sitting there. I don't do yoga, I don't do meditation, I don't need to go somewhere really quiet, I just need my car. :)

Sometimes it's good to just escape from everything! People, work, finances and all the stuff that comes with generally "living"!

I'm sure some of you feel going out somewhere alone with your camera or someone you care about is much the same. Right?


Where do you find peace? Share a photo!

28-03-2014, 4:50pm
a different angle on the bridge.
was that over near Blue's point?
i find peace in a quiet landscape, watching and listening to the sounds of the natural environment around me

Mary Anne
28-03-2014, 5:52pm
Interesting image.. I find peace standing on the back decking watching all the Birds splashing water everywhere when having a bath :2smile:

28-03-2014, 6:03pm
Riding my motorbike or hunting on foot.

28-03-2014, 6:29pm
at home, with no computer on, no music, no tv. With the deck doors open and the sounds of the birds and wildlife. Love just lying on the lounge and listening. Even better if it is raining. The next one would be walking on a beach, alone, or with my dogs.

28-03-2014, 7:05pm
Depends on the pieces.

I find pieces of shredded lolly wrappers in my sons pockets .. after I wash them! :D

.. I find pieces of food scraps under my daughter's seat at the dining table .. after I step on them :rolleyes:

You're lucky .. you seem to have a nice peaceful car to be at peace.

You (nor I nor anyone else) would definitely find no peace in my heap of junk .. yet I've driven it into the ground.

Apart from a pseudo convoluted form of peace in my car too ... I tend to find peace looking through an optical viewfinder :th3:
(a good, high quality OVF tho!)

28-03-2014, 7:10pm
anywhere in nature, be it country, bush or beach alone or with that special someone who also enjoys the quietness......

28-03-2014, 7:25pm
I find the most peaceful time for me is when im alone on the beach at sunset or sunrise, or in a rain forest just after it rains, i guess it does really matter where you find it as long as you do find it. :2peace:

Mark L
28-03-2014, 9:06pm
I'm at peace 90% of the time, so it doesn't really matter where I am. (I'm also quite boring):confused013

29-03-2014, 10:10pm
now that you asked and got Mongo to think about it................

the outback and bush generally and also when Mongo is on his potter's wheel for hours and cannot remember a single thing he must have been thinking about during that time - its like meditation

30-03-2014, 12:25am
I find peace either on my own at the beach or out in bush preferably by a river or creek with birds flitting about Im at peace now just thinking about it.;)

30-03-2014, 7:16am
I find peace sitting out on the rotunda in my back yard, listening to the birds, watching them at the birdbath... occasionally looking across at Mt Sturgeon and thinking how lucky I am to be alive, and to be out here...

30-03-2014, 10:42am
I found peace about 12 years ago after being diagnosed with sever stress. I found an old home in the north western Vic desert area and retired there. Over the years with the help of my photography the stress disappeared and my health improved and now I just enjoy the moment and what happens - happens.

04-04-2014, 10:50pm
Lovely posts everybody :)

Bush and beach seem to be popular!

05-04-2014, 9:37am
I head out of town for the bush.

I cherish spots where there is no sign of man's presence, and am attracted to stands of Casuarinas because of the unbelievably peaceful sound of the breeze in their leaves.

05-04-2014, 6:51pm
I find peace at home alone just before hubby comes home from work. :D

I don't do pottery now but like Mongo I felt at peace at my potter's wheel creating a piece of useful earthenware from a lump of mud.

I find peace when I go out birding by myself.

I find peace whenever I am alone.....I really enjoy my own company. :)

05-04-2014, 8:19pm
Around a campfire or by the water salt or fresh doesn't matter but I do prefer salt

05-04-2014, 9:17pm
the loo, one place the rest of my tribe fear to tread

25-04-2014, 3:15pm
Generally anywhere when I'm not at work, doing work or thinking about work.

Driving home on a near empty HWY listening to music on a Friday afternoon is quite peaceful. Laying in bed during a storm or a cold morning. Spending an afternoon at the shooting range with no one else. I find all of these rather peaceful and relaxing.

25-04-2014, 3:59pm
Interesting to see that many of us find peace when we are alone.

I am the same. I find peace when I am by myself. I find peace in the car exploring. I find peace in an empty house

26-04-2014, 11:34pm
I have not really any stress in my life ( touch wood!) , and currently find peace browsing the Australian Photography Forum looking at the wonderful photos.

27-04-2014, 6:51am
Interesting to see that many of us find peace when we are alone.
I just may be the odd one out than. I find peace when I'm with one or two good friends on the golfcourse. Or with the wife at the helm of our sailingboat, going nowhere in particular. At the wheel of my MGB, wife sitting in the seat next to me, going to a picnic at the beach or a forest or something.

I hate an empty house. It's just an empty shell, good enough to sleep and eat. It comes alive only when I'm not alone there.

27-04-2014, 6:33pm
My regular peaceful time is first thing in the morning before everyone else in the house gets up....enjoying that first cup of tea in solitude looking out over the ocean before the rush of the daily grind begins........also I find peace camping in the bush, sitting around a campfire.....no noise other than that of the trees, animals, the fire and the sound of a good red filling my glass :)

28-04-2014, 12:24am
I find peace when it is quiet with no noise other than nature. I had to put my dog to sleep on November 11 last year and I chose to spend my last moments with her feeding her treats and quietly watching the sea while listening to bird song in the native shrubs.