View Full Version : Most viewed photo of all time!

27-03-2014, 9:32pm
Found this in the paper today. Like the other 1 billion people I have seen this image thousands of times. And personally I never really 'looked' at it.

Can you guess what it is before you click on the link?


27-03-2014, 9:53pm
Hmm... It is not a bad photo, I suppose. But is that horizon truly level? And, those clouds look a little blown to me. :)

28-03-2014, 9:32am
Most viewed perhaps but also the least exciting.

Mark L
28-03-2014, 9:35pm
The photo always reminded me of some scenes from the movie Toys . It just needed a laughing elephant, as a grave, to have impact!:D
If you like Robin Williams and haven't seen Toys, go, find and enjoy some of it.:th3: