View Full Version : Nikon D7100 colour capture

04-03-2014, 7:36pm
I am now using a Nikon D7100 - previously used the beginner model D3000. I am having trouble with the 7100 not capturing the colour of mauve and purple coloured flowers accurately. I have tried using the fine tune white balance but this only seems to make the colour more blue. The D3000 captured colours correctly. Any suggestions appreciated.

04-03-2014, 7:44pm
This particular colour can be problematic in just about any camera, and at varying times.

I'm fairly sure that the issue isn't an isolated one for the D7100.

I've had troubles with it too on occasion.
post up an image, with full exif details intact too.

04-03-2014, 9:02pm
Yep it is a known issue due to the RBG (red green blue) bayer pattern of our sensors. That particular colour has been an issue for years. it will often render the flowers with a more blue look.

You have discovered one of the limitations of digital camera sensors. Congratulations..hehe

05-03-2014, 5:55pm
Arthur, this is the flower which is not getting correct colour capture. Both taken with Nikon D7100 Nikor VR 18-55mm F3-5.6G lens. They were taken on a cloudy day. The first taken with a cloudy white balance setting, is too pink.


107415The second taken on Auto white balance is closer to the correct colour of the flower, but I prefer the warmer background in the first.

Perhaps I need to always use Auto white balance when taking photos of purple objects? Another query - the white balance data shows Auto2 - cannot find anything in manual to explain what the '2' refers to. Any suggestions?


05-03-2014, 6:21pm
Yeah .. the 2nd version of AWB seems to be a bit of a mystery to me too.

I generally use Nikon's ViewNX2 to determine all the subtle differences that all in camera settings cam make to an image, but Auto2(compared to Auto1) is a mystery!

I think I have seen references to it being a slightly warmer shade of Auto .. but not sure.

So the Auto2, cooler WB image displays the purple more correctly, but you prefer the warmer rendering of the background in the cloudy image?

I'd try to play with WB values between daylight and cloudy and see if this helps too. Or, alternatively try adjusting the tint value on the Auto2 version .. obviously heading more into the cyan spectrum rather than green. Don't over do this tho, too much cyan can look pretty ugly too.

Try a combination of both too. Sometimes small tweaks of various adjustments work best.

31-03-2014, 3:41pm
Very interesting, I have started photographing flowers and wondered why the didn't seem to be the same color. I thought it was me.