View Full Version : advice regarding the nikon 70-200f 4 lens please

23-02-2014, 8:49am
I am looking at getting the 70-200 f 4 and I had a couple of questions for any one who has it. It doesn't come with a tripod collar, so what did people end up getting? The nikon one or another brand? I would be hoping to handhold this lens as much as possible but I would need the ability to have it on a monopod or tripod . Any advice would be appreciated:)

23-02-2014, 10:55pm
I was looking into this lens but decide to keep the 70-200 f/2.8..... With regard to the f/4 model I believe that because of its weight that you will find that a tripod isnt needed.From memory its under 900g so it wont be a big burden where as f/2.8 glass weights in at least 1400g.Basically its an option..

23-02-2014, 10:59pm
Thanks for that...that would be really good if I didn't need to buy the collar as a separate item.

24-02-2014, 8:49am
Yeah, as cupic said, the lens doesn't actually require a tripod collar due to its weight. You could definitely get one if you wanted, but it's not necessary.

It is supposed to be a pretty awesome lens though, so let us know how you go with it!

24-02-2014, 8:52am
Although I don't have this lens, but on the bigger and bulkier types lenses I like the collar. If held right (Hand held) you can adjust the focus or focal length with you pinky or index fingers. It also doubles as a carry handle.
I have the 120-300mm Sigma lens, and its weight is 3.045kg on its own. Plus a D800, makes it a handful hand held. Also it centralises the weight on a tripod, making it a bit easier to move around.

The other good thing I find with the collar is that the flat surface is handy if you don't have a tripod, you can always sit it on a fence post, or anything with a flat top to hold it steady.

24-02-2014, 9:46am
I've got this lens - it's terrific. There's no need for the collar; the lens is smaller than the extended 28-300mm and about the same weight. It's easily hand holdable. It will take a collar if you want one, but there's no necessity for it.

I @ M
24-02-2014, 10:49am
I don't own the F/4 version but I did have one in the house for 2 weeks and used it a few times.
It is extremely well balanced to hand hold. It is light enough to not be a burden when hand holding over a long period of time. If you want the ability to mount the lens / camera on a tripod for long(ish) exposures I would recommend using a collar. The lens I used was fitted with a Kirk collar (http://www.kirkphoto.com/Lens_Collar_for_70-200mm_f4G_ED_VR.html#) that was extremely well made, easy to detach and is Arca Swiss compatible.
As a side note, the owner of the lens originally bought a $40.00 ebay "special" that cracked at the collar joint screw after 3 uses. I definitely DO NOT recommend skimping on a quality mount and risking an expensive lens if you do buy a collar.

24-02-2014, 10:50am
Thanks very much for the info..I did a bit of research and it weighs about 850g so on my d610, I should be able to either handhold it or just have it on a tripod attached to the camera ( I hope). Appreciate the help..thanks:)

24-02-2014, 1:33pm
... on my d610, I should be able to either handhold it or just have it on a tripod attached to the camera
I'm using mine on a D600, so you should have no problems. :)

24-02-2014, 3:18pm
Thanks Andrew. If I get one, it would be a decent one!!
Thanks, Mr.Q...so you just mount it direct into the camera? I Just don't want to break the mount...too expensive to do that:eek:

24-02-2014, 4:55pm
Yup. The camera body and lens weigh the same so there's no real difference either way. If anything the balance is better with the camera attached to the tripod.

24-02-2014, 5:14pm
Thanks so much,Mr Q. That is exactly what I wanted to hear!!