View Full Version : I'm still here.

20-02-2014, 1:18am
After a lot of problems over the last few months I haven't been on much. I blew the engine in my Ute in Melbourne at Christmas. The timing belt let go at 100kph on the freeway, pistons hit valves breaking rockers, bending the camshaft and wrecking the head. I also tore my shoulder muscle just before I went down to Melbourne, making the job of pulling the engine down and replacing the head etc. more difficult. Managed to get the Ute going again and headed home, after about 450km the engine started running rough then bang a rocker broke leaving me stranded 150k from home. luckily my daughter had talked me into getting RACV Extra Roadside Assist before I left which got me towed to within 40k of home, a mate picked me up with his trailer and got me home where I found most of the front of my shed had blown off in the strong winds over Christmas. The Ute is not worth fixing so I am still without a vehicle, but I have the use of my sons car when I need it. Also my computer has been playing up for a while and my printer died on Tuesday, I had trouble getting a new one as the model I wanted (canon ix6550) has been discontinued and was unavailable anywhere on line. The update model (canon ix6860 wasn't listed anywhere including the canon au website, I finally found it on the Asia site and later it was finally listed online, it's a 2 week wait for stock to to come in. My luck has to change soon so I will buy a lotto ticket this week :D. I should be on more often now though.

20-02-2014, 5:56am
Jeez Keith!. Don't go taking up any extreme sports!

Hope things start looking up for you soon, Welcome back!

20-02-2014, 8:42am
:gday: & Welcome Back !

Mary Anne
20-02-2014, 9:19am
Hi Keith Sorry to read this especially about your Ute and all your other troubles, life can be hard at times.
Good luck with the Lotto and I hope life gets easier for you soon, and take care of that body.
Our car is booked in on Friday 28th to get a complete new Timing belt kit and water pump, not game to take the chance of that happening
Mazda could not believe our 10 year old car was still running on the original one, well we have just clicked over 50,000km since new so why not.

Mark L
21-02-2014, 10:28pm
Bloody cars and computers. Now their putting bloody computers in cars.:eek:
I've often thanked goodness for family.
Good to see you back Keith.