View Full Version : Sick puppy? NO! Stuck puppy!

18-01-2014, 6:11pm
Put the watering system on for the veggies about 30 minutes ago, went inside. A few minutes later heard whinging. Out I goes to find one Hudson stuck.. and feeling very guilty. He had decided to make his way through the fence into the veggie garden (which is out of bounds) and got halfway. Rather than help him out of his predicament, I laughed at him and had to go back inside to grab the phone to take a couple of photos before getting him untangled. He has wrecked that bit of fence, so now I have another chore for tomorrow.

Thought you might find these as amusing as I did.



18-01-2014, 6:18pm
Not very clever picking that spot to try and go through. Rather embarrassed I think by the looks of him.
I suppose you had nothing better to do with the day anyway. Might as well fix a fence.

18-01-2014, 6:25pm
oops! The look on his face says it all.

18-01-2014, 6:26pm
he did a good job, he has pulled the posts out of the ground on either side of where he went through. But I just loved the look on his face, he looked so guilty.

18-01-2014, 8:29pm
Rick I have to say I find these quite amusing our 3 year old lab still keeps getting into mischief.

Had her in the Shed/office with me during the 40 degrees on Thursday (with the aircon on) and found she kept herself amused by chewing a 3 pin power cord of an unused lamp.

She looked very sheepish when I yelled at her.


18-01-2014, 9:30pm
The look on his face says it all.

Oh dear, I'm stuck, and, oh dear, I'm sprung.

Whatever was I thinking?

Love it!

18-01-2014, 9:51pm
ps. Your phone takes nice photos

18-01-2014, 10:03pm
ps. Your phone takes nice photos

thanks, Galaxy Note 3, and edited using snapseed app (Nik Software) plugins for phones, basically

Lance B
18-01-2014, 10:12pm
Haha!!! Love the photo of Hudson being stuck trying to get into the veg patch!

It's good to know that others have the same problem as we do, as I have just built a 5mt x 2.4mt vege patch and had to put a fence around it so that our Dalmatian, Pepper, can't get in and eat all the proceeds!! Just the other day, we witnessed Pepper trying to reach for some cucumbers through the fence with her paws!! I wish I had my camera with me, but by the time I went to get it she had seen us watching her and slinked off with her tail between her legs!!

Not meaning to take over the thread, but this was from a few years ago, when Pepper got into the tomatoes and was "sprung"


18-01-2014, 10:37pm
LOL Lance. Pepper looks mighty proud of her tomato picking efforts

Lance B
18-01-2014, 10:49pm
LOL Lance. Pepper looks mighty proud of her tomato picking efforts

She certainly was. I think she is part vegetarian, which Hudson looks being as well! :lol:

18-01-2014, 11:43pm
Bad puppies - at least they are going for the healthy stuff! :D

19-01-2014, 12:46am
Now what was the odds it was going to be a Lab :D :D

Hudson knows he's been sprung, looks a little guilty, but how long before he tries again.

1/2 hr or less probably .

19-01-2014, 3:25am
LOL! oh dear, I'd say he's put on a bit of size since the last time he tried that.. that look, that's a " oh, Dad I'm sorry, and I won't do it again, I'm a naughty puppy" lol.. we get the same look here... but from a naughty pony who likes to eat the lettuce in the greenhouse :-/

19-01-2014, 6:05am
Poor Hudson. Was probably thinking "I'm sure he gets some sort of food from here", they are such gluttons. Last week my son had to pay over $400 to get his border collie's leg stitched - he'd cut it to the bone trying to get under a fence during a storm. Luckily he has great neighbours who saw the dog and let him know.

19-01-2014, 5:23pm
He looks very remorseful LOL.

08-02-2014, 10:51pm
A beautiful placid dog, you lucky master.

29-11-2014, 7:55am
Always coming at the end of most of these posts, so I guess I get to enjoy them when all of you have long since forgotten about them. What wonderful guilty looks those animals have and have you in the time this was posted had a competition for the guilty animal look yet? Would be really hard to pick a favorite I suspect!;)