View Full Version : Shutter life estimations of popular brands.

I @ M
08-10-2013, 6:00am
This site may be of interest to some especially if they are considering purchasing a second hand camera.


08-10-2013, 6:50am

Mark L
08-10-2013, 8:38pm
Where's my camera?:rolleyes:

08-10-2013, 9:21pm
Bugger. Given my D3000 didn't die before 10k, it will statistically live past 50k...Now I'll never have an excuse to convince the wife I need a better camera, at least for a year or two:(

sent from a not-very-smart phone via tapatalk

08-10-2013, 9:37pm
My 1dmk2 died just before 10000 :lol2: as a cps member at the time it still cost $650 as it had just passed the warranty. I dont buy pro bodies anymore.

Mark L
08-10-2013, 10:10pm
Bugger. Given my D3000 didn't die before 10k, it will statistically live past 50k...Now I'll never have an excuse to convince the wife I need a better camera, at least for a year or two:
Shoot, delete, shoot, delete, shoot, delete, shoot, delete, shoot, delete, shoot, delete, shoot, delete, shoot, delete, shoot, delete, shoot, delete, shoot, delete, shoot, delete, shoot, delete, shoot, delete, shoot, delete, shoot, delete, shoot, delete, shoot, delete, shoot, delete, shoot, delete,...................etc

09-10-2013, 10:28pm
My 1dmk2 died just before 10000 :lol2: as a cps member at the time it still cost $650 as it had just passed the warranty. I dont buy pro bodies anymore.

Does not surprise me at all. 4 shutters in a 1dmk2 in under 300,000. It now sits gathering dust in a cupboard while I think about spending another $600. Had a bloke tell me he got over 2,000,000 activations on two of his 1dmk2 bodies over at FM. That didn't cheer me up at all.

09-10-2013, 10:42pm
Their sample sets are too small and given sites like that attract people with problems will also be skewed to the negative.
Further if I log my K-5 at 40k images -- I need to update the site when I hit 50k etc. -- again skewing the results.

The only real numbers would be via the vendor service centres vs cameras in the field, and you can't get current shutter counts of good units in the field

In summary, those numbers are a crock, or more politely statistically invalid.

09-10-2013, 10:43pm
By comparison, the first shutter went in my 1dmk3 at around 180,000. Agree with Kym about the figures.

11-10-2013, 12:45pm
For those that have a camera die on them, how do the official manufacturer numbers compare?

For example a 5dmk3 is rated for 150k shots. Do they normally last that long?
Also has anyone heard of outside factors like weather affecting this?

I @ M
30-01-2014, 7:21pm
Just had a conversation with a guy who was happy that his D3 shutter reached over 300,000 clicks.
The same conversation included that he was not so happy a guy when Nikon in Sydney gave him a bill for $998.00. :(

01-02-2014, 2:37pm
What a job! Click - shoot! Click - shoot! Click - shoot!...
Click - blast! Another one for the database.:rolleyes: