View Full Version : It's holiday lens time!

06-10-2013, 9:05pm
Hey all... I know this has probably been done to death but I am little bit stuck!

Start of this year I went to Vietnam with my d3000 and a 17-50, and had an absolute ball! The 3000 has since been destroyed in a motorbike accident and I have come in to the possession of a d600!

I have now booked another holiday (lucky me, goodbye house savings!) to Thailand, Laos and Singapore. I am trying to pick a lens to take with me! At the moment I have a 50mm 1.8, 105mm macro and a 70-200mm.

I have been looking for more of an all round lens, especially as I will be trying to go as light as possible. Money is a little tight also.

I was looking at the tamron 24-70 as alternative to the nikon. Anyone had any experience with these? All the reviews I am reading seem to indicate it is a pretty good lens and great for the price! I am sort of stuck for any other options, so I am here to look for suggestions!

I will probably be taking the 70-200 as well, as I am a massive animal buff and want to visit zoos/aquariums where I can!

Sorry for the ramble and thanks to anyone that can help me out!


06-10-2013, 9:29pm
Depending on how much gear you want to lug around the Nikon 28-300mm is worth a look. It's a good lens and hard to beat for convenience.

06-10-2013, 9:50pm
Depending on how much gear you want to lug around the Nikon 28-300mm is worth a look. It's a good lens and hard to beat for convenience.

Thanks for the speedy reply! The less gear the better, really! I am not opposed to lugging a big of extra weight for the extra quality and range (2.8 v 3.5-5.6).

I will have a look into that lens, cheers!

06-10-2013, 11:01pm
I am not sure of your budget but I have just spent 3 weeks in England and had my 16-35f4 glued to my 600. I was very happy with its performance , especially as the majority of shots had to be handheld. Hope this helps :)

07-10-2013, 4:52am
Bringing the 70-200 is OK,
and get urself a superwide angle:
Tokina or Tammy, for street photography, coze the asian street life could become ur fav. Besides the food-street-vendors.
D600 is very good for nightphotography as well.

07-10-2013, 7:46am
I think the Nikkor 24-120 f4 is a good all-rounder. Not super wide but wide enough for me for most situations (but then landscape is something I dont specialise in) and long enough to get the reach that something like the 24-70 wont stretch to. The bonus is that it is much lighter than the 70-200 - but probably about a similar weight to the 24-70. The compromise is of course it being f4 not 2.8, but for most situations this is okay for me and makes it a good travel lens. The only other lens I take travelling is the Sigma 35mm 1.8. Have a great trip!

07-10-2013, 9:50am
I am not sure of your budget but I have just spent 3 weeks in England and had my 16-35f4 glued to my 600. I was very happy with its performance , especially as the majority of shots had to be handheld. Hope this helps :)

Thanks! I had forgotten about that one!

Bringing the 70-200 is OK,
and get urself a superwide angle:
Tokina or Tammy, for street photography, coze the asian street life could become ur fav. Besides the food-street-vendors.
D600 is very good for nightphotography as well.

Thanks mate. As I discovered in Vietnam, I didn't use the long end of my 17-50 very often, I was thinking of the 24-70 just in case I did need that extra length, and I am sure 24mm is going to be wide enough for me. I love the asian street life!

I think the Nikkor 24-120 f4 is a good all-rounder. Not super wide but wide enough for me for most situations (but then landscape is something I dont specialise in) and long enough to get the reach that something like the 24-70 wont stretch to. The bonus is that it is much lighter than the 70-200 - but probably about a similar weight to the 24-70. The compromise is of course it being f4 not 2.8, but for most situations this is okay for me and makes it a good travel lens. The only other lens I take travelling is the Sigma 35mm 1.8. Have a great trip!

Thanks Pixley another one I had forgotten about!

I will be doing a lot of research I think!

THanks so far!

08-10-2013, 12:47pm
I have the Tamron 24-70mm VC on my D600 and it is an excellent combo. It is a lot heavier though than the 17-50mm / D3000 combo so for travel you'll definitely notice the difference. Still, it fits in the same bag as I had for my D7000 with the 17-50mm combo so not a massive size difference. Having f2.8 in the zoom as you know is very handy, but that said the high ISO performance of the D600 is such that something like the 24-120 would also be a great combo.

Truth be told though I find myself shooting mainly with my (DX) 35mm f1.8 and my 50mm f1.8 D a lot more now as it makes for a more compact package (and a heap less weight) and better low light capability.



09-10-2013, 2:11pm
I have the Tamron 24-70mm VC on my D600 and it is an excellent combo. It is a lot heavier though than the 17-50mm / D3000 combo so for travel you'll definitely notice the difference. Still, it fits in the same bag as I had for my D7000 with the 17-50mm combo so not a massive size difference. Having f2.8 in the zoom as you know is very handy, but that said the high ISO performance of the D600 is such that something like the 24-120 would also be a great combo.

Truth be told though I find myself shooting mainly with my (DX) 35mm f1.8 and my 50mm f1.8 D a lot more now as it makes for a more compact package (and a heap less weight) and better low light capability.



Thanks mate, great to hear from someone using the same combo I am looking at!

I also have the 50mm 1.8, and use it primarily at the moment as I have nothing else suitable as a walk around!! I am looking for the extra range for the travel aspect of things! I know it will weigh a bit more, but I am not to bothered!
