View Full Version : Nikon 35mm lens, infinity?

18-09-2013, 10:30am
Hi all, I recently bought a new 35mm Nikon f1.8 lens for my D5100.
The problem is I want to use it for night photography so need to be able to find infinity.
On manual focus, the ring just keeps turning.
Is that normal?
thanks for your help.:camera:

18-09-2013, 11:16am
I have this lens, and yes, while the ring will keep turning, you should feel a point on the focus ring where the limit of focus is before the ring starts turning without the focus changing.
When I've done night photos, i found it best to use live view to find the best focus point by zooming in on the live view image (if this isn't the best way to do it, please correct me)

Hope that helps

18-09-2013, 11:53am
Great, thanks for that.

18-09-2013, 12:31pm
You also should not use infinity. Often infinity is actually just past infinity and you should set your lens just a little back from that to get best focus/sharpness

18-09-2013, 12:35pm
Yes, I found that out with my 18-55 mm.
The sharpest focus is just back a fraction.
i have some problems focusing at night, my eyes aren't what they used to be.;)