View Full Version : Full Frame Lenses - Sigma 70-200 f2.8 APO EX DG OS HSM

04-08-2013, 7:11pm
We are just about to purchase a new Nikon D800 and are looking at lens options. We are considering the Sigma 70-200 f2.8 APO EX DG OS HSM.

Does anyone have this lens and what do you think of it?

Wayne & Di

04-08-2013, 7:19pm
already a current discussion here: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?123135-Sigma-APO-70-200mm-F2-8-EX-DG-HSM
that might be worth looking at

04-08-2013, 8:36pm
Tikira, I have this lens on a D800. Love it. A fantastic combination.

05-08-2013, 7:40am
If I was in the market to buy a lens of this focal length..id give the new Tamron version a good look...it supposed to be very good even compared to the Nikon VR II....

05-08-2013, 10:25am
Thanks Rick for the link, it is enlightening.
Thanks for the indication of how well the Sigma works on your D800 Lurchorama, good to know.
Thommo, we agree the Tamron needs serious consideration, it seems a good lens, and has Macro capabilities. However it does not have image stabilisation, which is a downside to us.

I am wondering how important is Image stabilisation to other photographers????

05-08-2013, 10:51am
Hi Di

The macro version is the 'old' model'. Check this for the latest VC model. http://www.tamron.com.au/di70-200_a009.html

I'm also deciding on a 70-200mm but I seem to be leaning towards the Nikon 70-200 f4. My main use will be as a walk around lens so the less weight and the VR are big factors.

05-08-2013, 11:47am
Thanks Kevin, will look at this, may just change things again.

06-08-2013, 7:54am
as Kev pointed out..its the newer version I was thinking of.....also the Nikon F4 that kevs looking at is getting some great feedback and its light:)

image stabilization on a longer FL lens is very very handy to have .....

06-08-2013, 8:48am
Tamron 70-200/2.8 VC on D800E

100% crop of centre portion

Lighting in the shop was quite low. ISO was pushed high(1800 I think) to maintain some semblance of decent exposure :p
On the cropped image you can still make out the textured pattern of the material used in the construction of the grey target.

At 1/100s(i. 1 stop of stabilisation relative to focal length), the efficiency of the lens's stabilisation mechanism wasn't tested to the extreme, but as I remember, it worked well.
In fact it may have worked so well, that it was hard to see it kick in!(not sure how to describe it). I didn't feel as though it was working compared to how I usually see VR operate through the viewfinder.
It must be noted too tho, that I've been having the same issue many others experience with the D800, in that it's getting hard to get 100% sharp images, even at 1/focal length and viewed at 100% on the PC screen .. so to get sharp images at 0.5/focal length with a long-ish lens on the D800 was impressive.

ie. I think the lens's stabilisation does in fact work .. it just doesn't really feel as tho it does whilst looking through the vf.

As I remember it(too) I'm sure the focusing was quick fast, maybe at least equal to the Sigma lens .. maybe not as blistering as the 70-200VR tho. But light was pretty low in the store too, not dim, just low.

The lens is definitely worthy of selection in your list of options. It's major problem as of now is price. They're generally retailing in the $1500-1600 region .. where the Sigma is generally in the $1100 range.
That's a lot of $'s in anyone's language.
When the Tammy drops into the low 1000's, I'll probably get one immediately.

06-08-2013, 9:41am
the way the dollars heading south..you might be in for a long wait Arthur

06-08-2013, 9:52am
lol, yeah I realise that. But the lens is still a bit too new(and hence expensive). Even with the low dollar, I still think it has enough leeway at the moment for prices to drop a bit more.

It's a useful lens range, but not one I use a lot(even on Fx) and I still have the old (nonVC) Tammy to cover that range and aperture anyhow.

I've seen some grey pricing on the Canon version of the lens in the $1100 range, whereas the same seller has the Nikon version at $1500(on ebay) ... so I still think the Nikon version has some marketing leeway that's yet to materialise.