View Full Version : Have you got an "intrigued and creatively inspired" heart?

26-07-2013, 7:22am
I had a good chuckle over this article...


"Pay is negotiable. We're hoping you're so intrigued and creatively inspired that you'll do it for free. If not, and your portfolio shows that you're worth it, we would be willing to pay $150."


26-07-2013, 8:44am
I'm sorry but the photographer is expected to be on call 24/7 ......for free???!!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

26-07-2013, 10:21am
Have to agree here 24/7 on call no way:confused013:confused013:eek:

26-07-2013, 11:05am
Ha ha I shared this link with a friend who is a birth photographer.......I can still her her howls of laughter echoing in my ears!:D

Mark L
26-07-2013, 8:06pm
One of the comments from above link;
"I would take this assignment. I want to see how someone gives birth with their head completely up their own ass.":lol2:

Bet someone takes up the "offer", and they'll probably get the photos they deserve.

26-07-2013, 9:05pm
Made me laugh, quite amusing. I no longer do free shoots because I always say I prefer to be out birding than doing a free shoot :). Exceptions are family and a couple of close friends.