View Full Version : "Tonights Supermoon"

23-06-2013, 11:36am
Does anyone have a link to a site which will give me an idea of what location / Angle the moon will rise at tonight , I know it will rise rise @ 4.51 pm here on the East coast , I need to get thinking about some good FG stuff to make it interesting , Hope this makes sense :)

23-06-2013, 11:42am
The photographers ephemeris is great.

23-06-2013, 11:53am
Thanks mate , Thats what I was after , Could'nt remember the name of it :D

23-06-2013, 12:43pm
That looks like a great tool. I have been wanting to go to Mt Cootha in Brisbane for a dawn shoot but was worried where the sun would rise relative to the city, not anymore:)

23-06-2013, 12:44pm
We've got cloudy weather at the moment in Hedland - I really hope it blows away by tonight - have three local togs offer lifts to the coast for it! That's togs banding together!! :D

23-06-2013, 12:45pm
Mongo is ready for a big long howl but the rain clouds may dampen all our respective aspirations

23-06-2013, 2:06pm
Hmmm ! Partly cloudy out to the East here on the Goldie, Fingers crossed it clears a little , I wanted something in the FG for size comparison

PS : Would be good to get a plane coming into land at Coolie crossing the Full big moon

23-06-2013, 2:33pm
Hmmm ! Partly cloudy out to the East here on the Goldie, Fingers crossed it clears a little , I wanted something in the FG for size comparison

PS : Would be good to get a plane coming into land at Coolie crossing the Full big moon
Maybe a witch on a broom stick would be good.
Cloudy here are Cleveland too , and the radar shows rain out on the ocean so not all that promising.

23-06-2013, 3:09pm
William. That site is TPE. In Sydney we'll be be needing another site: TPP, standing for
"The Proxy Photographer (Somewhere Else, Miles from Here)" for the weather we're having.

23-06-2013, 3:12pm
The forecast for Perth is really, really not looking good for this.


23-06-2013, 3:14pm
Thanks AM, Still look'in good here , Light cloud with blue sky to the East , I'll be your Proxy :D

23-06-2013, 6:07pm
Well that light cloud just got thicker, It was a no go here on the Gold Coast either :( Oh well there is another chance August 2014 :D

EB Alex
23-06-2013, 6:37pm
Yeah, not a chance for us in Perth tonight :( ah well, there will be others!

23-06-2013, 6:49pm
here i was all geared up and rearing to go, and guess what, cloud, cloud and more cloud.
maybe next year:(

23-06-2013, 6:59pm
No good in Port Hedland either!!! :(

23-06-2013, 7:00pm
Mongo is ready for a big long howl but the rain clouds may dampen all our respective aspirations

Mongo, with your supernatual powers, I would have thought that you could do something about that.

23-06-2013, 7:51pm
Nothing doing in Cleveland either.