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View Full Version : Talk about a glaring lack of inclusions.................WARNING - Risque content

03-06-2013, 2:42pm
I'm in the process of buying a SSD and was looking for a mounting bracket when I came across this gem.


I mean, seriously, how can you be expected to perform the required mounting operation when you are missing the very necessary hard dick. :eek: :lol: :lol2:

03-06-2013, 2:54pm
:lol:Good find Kev :th3:

03-06-2013, 7:50pm
It seems Richard is not as soft as previously thought.

As for who this Richard is, I have no idea .. but my guess is that he's probably an IT tech.

... and by the way, wots a SOTRE?? :confused013 These guys have a SOTRE(apparently). I'm insanely curious now and I'd love to visit this SOTRE of theirs .... if only to find out what it is!

03-06-2013, 7:55pm

03-06-2013, 8:03pm
Does that mean it is a floppy?

03-06-2013, 8:40pm
@ Arthur..... I think the 'SOTRE' is an error of transposition with the 'O' and the 'T' reversed in 'STORE', although I must admit it sounds rather Francaise.

@peterb666..... Think you've hit the nail on the head Peter.

03-06-2013, 9:57pm
Fowkes, isn't it all rather sawdid and sad?
I mean, woodger really pay someone for this staff?

03-06-2013, 10:12pm
Fowkes, isn't it all rather sawdid and sad?
I mean, woodger really pay someone for this staff?

am , mate, I love the way you derisively treat the semantic predisposition.

05-06-2013, 10:43pm
In South Africa a floppy is (was?) called a stiffy!