View Full Version : Tomorrow Morning's (Friday 10th May 2013) Eclipse

09-05-2013, 7:33pm
Used with permission.

Below is a graphic showing the path of the eclipse that will pass over Australia tomorrow. Provided for information. Please use personal responsibility when attempting to view or photograph and eclipse. Do not look at it with your eyes, either directly or through a lens.


09-05-2013, 7:40pm
Ta for that. I completely 4-got. Right! That's tomorrow morning sorted.

09-05-2013, 10:50pm
Been curious on this, but what is a safe way to look and photograph an eclipse?

10-05-2013, 1:19am
Just google it, there are a few ways to do it safely example pin hole projectors onto white paper or using one eyepiece of a pair of binoculars to project the image onto paper or using special solar filters or welders mask glass - just be very careful not to look directly at the eclipse yourself or with your camera!

10-05-2013, 7:26am
I am so excited today, even though we will only get about 84 percent coverage, but it brings back the excitement of the solar eclipse, where I was lucky to get a great photo. Thanks for the graphic as it shows it so well. :)

10-05-2013, 8:43am
Clouds :(

10-05-2013, 1:37pm
Clear! :lol:

10-05-2013, 6:54pm
Thanks for the heads up Rick; like Am, this one slipped under the radar!:)

Here’s my effort. Clouds thwarted our views for the early phase but just before we had to leave home, I grabbed the camera and squeezed off a few frames. Just finished processing one of the better ones.

Taken using a full aperture Baader Astro Solar Film Filter on the front of the 400mm lens which prevents the dangerous visible, IR and UV radiation entering the system.



10-05-2013, 8:14pm
Thumbs up, Dennis. I used the ND 5.00 filter - see post somewhere.

Mark L
10-05-2013, 8:38pm
Clouds :(
Fog :(

10-05-2013, 8:53pm
Clouds :(

Fog :(

(Part of) moon. :):D