View Full Version : Kentucky Derby bans cameras with interchangeable lenses

25-04-2013, 5:58pm
The organisers of the Kentucky Derby have announced a heap of banned items, most relate to anti-terrorist activity including banning things like coolers, purses larger than 12 inches, thermoses, duffel bags, umbrellas, etc, but amongst all this is a ban on camcorders, tripods and other video equipment, along with cameras that have detachable lenses or a lens that can extend more than 6 inches.

They are also introducing stricter security controls at access points to the Derby.

The camera ban seems a bizarre inclusion considering it was cameras that allowed the suspects in the Boston bombings to be identified so quickly. But could it be that we will see an increase in these bans on cameras at events, under the guise of anti-terrorist requirements, when in reality it is probably more about controlling images from these events so that the organisers have much more control over what images are publicly available and control/manipulate the 'image' of the events.

25-04-2013, 6:48pm



25-04-2013, 7:23pm
Terrorism has worked then! The recent bombing in Boston proves that extremists can even be home grown... Scary thought really...:(

Mark L
25-04-2013, 9:00pm
I'll leave the terrorism stuff for now.
I just don't get this banning of certain cameras at many events (sports, concerts,..). As long as you don't use any photos for personal profit, surely posting them here or elsewhere (even FB) simply provides extra publicity to those that pay for publicity.
I know I've got more to say, but it's been a long day. .........................

25-04-2013, 11:59pm
Perhaps it is the case that they're feeling a little freaky after the Boston Marathon bombings. Whilst we would look at large telephoto lens as being harmless, security peeps might look at them as a big tube that can be packed with nasty things that hurt people. Easier to ban them than to search them :D