View Full Version : Shutter Replacement

05-04-2013, 6:20pm
Hi everyone , Last week I heard the sad sound of my 50D and Sigma 10-20 with filters fitted hitting the ground/Concrete from shoulder height , Not good, Well it hit near the AF point selector button on the top , Thank goodness for Mag Alloy , All works except when you take a shot a black screen, Took it to an ex Canon tech and after a quick look said the shutter was how Ya going/Stuffed , Had a quote to supply and fit a new shutter mechism , Sensor clean and blow out , $380 , How does that sound , BTW the siggy and filters survived with the loss of the AF/M focus switch which decided to part company with the lens , Nothing that a rubber band has'nt fixed :th3:

Any comments on this would be appreciated - Bill :)

05-04-2013, 6:44pm
A quick look on eBay shows used 50Ds selling recently for $255-$450.
So $380 for repairs is a substantial outlay for a body that's only realising this much on the used market.

That said, IF $380 restores it to the condition it was in before it fell, it's probably money well spent.
I'm assuming if you wanted a new body you'd be looking at a 7D (in order to stick with a mag body, AF micro-adjust etc) $380 is a long way off the grey price of around $900 http://www.d-d-photographics.com.au/products/Canon-7D-Digital-SLR-Camera-Body.html

Old Skool
05-04-2013, 6:50pm
Might cost more than it's worth to fix, might be time to flick it and replace it. Put it on EBay, you'll be surprised how much you may get for it as someone will think they can fix it cheap.

05-04-2013, 6:57pm
We were thinking (My son and I) That it should make it like new with zero shutter count , The tech said there's nothing that can really be done as far as a grease and oil change (Service) other than a blow out and sensor clean it should all be good , Maybe better the devil you know , If you know what I mean :)

05-04-2013, 7:50pm
$545 for new 60D at the minute I'd go for that.

05-04-2013, 7:57pm
I would be tempted at the upgrade for such a little difference in price - but I am a bit prone to buying stuff I dont really need :cool:

05-04-2013, 7:58pm
$545 for new 60D at the minute I'd go for that.

Got a good point :th3:

05-04-2013, 8:39pm
Bill, Eglobal have a special on at present - 7D for $823.00 ( for next 2 days only)

05-04-2013, 8:42pm
Love my 60D!!
My 18yo daughter is currently thinking about buying her own from:-
$628 delivered, grey but Australian Based.
Loses the Magnesium chassis and AF Micro-Adjust of the 50D.
Uses SD instead of CF cards, so you'll need to invest in SD cards.
High Res LCD
18mp vs 15mp

- - - Updated - - -

Bill, Eglobal have a special on at present - 7D for $823.00 ( for next 2 days only)

+minimum $59 shipping

06-04-2013, 11:11am
Tend to agree. It's a bit like older cars. You reach a point where you might as well get a new one or good second hand one.

16-04-2013, 8:28am
I had my shutter fixed last year on my 450D. It was a few hundred dollars and while I know that it isn't worth much and could have got another camera for not too much more. I really love my 450D and have had another year of wonderful images from it. I don't regret getting mine fixed.

16-04-2013, 8:48am
Only you can decide Bill, but as you said a new shutter makes it like new and you know the camera. You might buy another body cheaper and then the shutter goes and you're back to square 1. I'd probably go for the replacement myself with trade up to a better camera the next choice. I don't think I'd buy a used replacement.

18-04-2013, 12:48pm
William, Have you fixed the 50D or are you going to purchase new.

My 2 cents would be fix the ol faithful, and keep the extra cash you'll save and put it toward your next bit of glass/need item.