View Full Version : introducing myself

18-03-2013, 10:47pm
My name is Paul im interested in getting into Photography my father was a professional film photographer for 37 years
so i guess thats where i got the interest from.
I am yet to buy a Dslr but am looking into it regarding specs/brands.I have many photos that i have taken with a panasonic lumix
that i have had for a few years which the quality is great but i think it is time to upgrade.
Anyway i hope to speak to some of you other like minded people and perhaps we could share our experiances and ideas



18-03-2013, 10:52pm
:gday: & Welcome
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

Check the New to Photography (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Books:New_To_Photography_Book) book and equipment guide before purchasing - lots of good advice.

19-03-2013, 7:15am
Welcome to AP Paul, enjoy the site and look forward to seeing some of your pics in the forums

19-03-2013, 9:49am
A very warm welcome to you Paul. AP is a great forum, and if you join in you will benefit form a wide array of opinions, from professional down to a very beginner. Opinions and photo's are always welcomed and respected here.

Mary Anne
19-03-2013, 10:19am
Hello Paul and Welcome to AP.. Its not an easy decision to choose that first DSLR especially with so many good brands and models out there.
The best way is too go into a shop and handle them and when you are happy with how one feels as some can be big and others too small then research that model
Start a Post in the Forums asking about that camera and what lens or lenses you would need for the Genres you want to shoot, you will get plenty of help here.

19-03-2013, 10:53am
Hi Paul. Welcome to AP :) I had to post a welcome message to you, since your background is very similar to mine! I used to use a Lumix before getting a DSLR, and my dad was(and still is) into photography. I assume your father has some good lenses? When I bought my DSLR, my mind was set to Nikon, as my father owns several good Nikon mount lenses which are still usable today. Choosing a camera is not easy, but that is one thing to consider ;)

19-03-2013, 10:39pm
Cheers Paul and a warm welcome to AP.....enjoy:)