View Full Version : Muslin backdrops - Im not sure why I bothered.

18-03-2013, 10:04pm
Well I am, I cant fit a 2.7m roll of paper in my car when Im going somewhere!

But anyway, the crease factor is tiresome, all the extra PP to get rid of it... No way to iron those suckers easily - maybe I need to store them differently?

Am thinking I'll get some rolls to use at home instead.

Anyone else have any muslin handling techniques to share?

18-03-2013, 10:09pm
A clothes steamer would be the go.

Hang your muslin, run the steamer over it, creases gone

18-03-2013, 10:17pm
You're supposed to stretch them on the stands to remove the creases, but I find that hanging them damp helps as well. Take a bucket. They're not too difficult to blur in post. Use a surface blur and a mask. Easier if they're a plain, non-patterned type.

19-03-2013, 10:04am
Thanks, will give those a try, excepting the bucket/damp thing if Im taking it somewhere important (ie getting paid)

I had stretched them on the stand, but maybe I need to stretch even more than I had!

04-07-2013, 9:23pm
I'd go the steamer.

I have seen one inaction and they work fine but you don't want to be using one in a small room in summer!

You could try rolling them up neatly and putting them on a roof rack.

16-07-2013, 10:59am
hey guys.
We sell paper roll backgrounds for only $99.99 + shipping at Hypop if you guys are looking for a cheap alternative.
If you guys go through 5 or more paper backgrounds per month, I can bring that price down lower.

16-07-2013, 11:23am
hey guys.
We sell paper roll backgrounds for only $99.99 + shipping at Hypop if you guys are looking for a cheap alternative.
If you guys go through 5 or more paper backgrounds per month, I can bring that price down lower.

Got any 6 metres wide?

GTP 290
16-07-2013, 9:56pm
When using a white muslin I use my lights to blow the muslin right out e.g. lights beside the subject and facing back at the muslin and using what ever light bounces around the room to light up the subject. When using a black muslin I get the subject to stand as far forward from it as possible and keep the light away from it e.g lights to the side and facing forward. Both of these techniques help a lot when post processing and give a much more natural light with even coverage.

Here is an image I shot a while a go. This is straight off the camera with just a resize. Once I bump up the exposure the muslin is completely blown out and creases almost disappear.
