View Full Version : 6D video performance

22-01-2013, 3:18pm
Hi All,

Just chasing information from any 6D shooters out there about the quality of the video the 6D produces, there is alot of mixed reviews on the net regarding video.

I will soon have to hand in my 5D mkii and am looking at the 6D as a replacement, while video is not the most important thing i have been really happy with the footage form the 5D on the rare occasions i have used it.


26-01-2013, 9:05am
No one pressed the video button yet?

26-01-2013, 11:44am
My 6D is in the mail .... I'll try and remember to post a comment once I've tried it.

26-01-2013, 4:02pm
Cheers very mixed reviews on the net.

03-02-2013, 2:08pm
Cheers very mixed reviews on the net.

Got my 6D now, but haven't yet taken any video. The stills look great and I'm very happy so far. I'll put a message up once I have some video footage.

16-03-2013, 3:27pm
Nearly time to press the buy button, any one out their used theirs much?


16-03-2013, 3:36pm
I've been using it a bit, but not much for video I'm afraid. However, I'm very happy with the camera itself - no regrets and it takes very nice photos in pretty much any light. Not a lot different really from any other Canon DSLR in terms of handling - just a few things in different places. I don't particularly like having to press a knob in the dial which changes between the scene modes, A/V, TV etc. That apparently comes from the 60D, and some love it and others don't. It's nice having so much image that you can crop a lot without losing so much quality, and the built in HDR works well. All in all I'm a happy camper and have no regrets, so go for it!

By the way - it retails around the $2300 mark body only - I got mine from CameraParadise which was the best overall price I found. It now has it for something like $1506 (body) but you can add on around $100 for sneaky extras by the time you get to the till. Still, at $1600 it's a good saving - mine arrived quickly with no fuss.

16-03-2013, 4:11pm
Thanks Bob, it will probly take a bit of getting used to coming from the 5D but i think the smaller size will be more wife friendly.

Thanks for the link all the grey importers seem to be around the $1500-$1600 mark.