View Full Version : Most Used Lens in 2012

20-01-2013, 12:21am
Hi All

Last year I asked your most used lens in 2011, so this year lets look at our most used lens in 2012.

This was my result in 2011

24-70 f2.8 38.95%
85 f1.2 26.4%
70-200 f2.8 22.18%

and in 2012 the results are

Canon 85 f1.2 43.1%
70-200 f2.8 IS + 1.4x 20.3% (result of photographing my sons soccer and rowing)
24-70 f2.8 10.9%

I have spent the last six months working in Singapore, so I have not had the time to really do many shoots, but I still managed to take 14,806 shots for 2012

I have a feeling in 2013 a new lens will feature, as I will do a full season at my sons soccer and rowing regattas.

I would be interested to know what is the most used lens amongst other people out there?

20-01-2013, 12:53am
How did you collate your stats? I could have a guess at what I used but you obviously have a way to define the data

20-01-2013, 12:56am
How did you collate your stats? I could have a guess at what I used but you obviously have a way to define the data

I use the filters in LR4.

20-01-2013, 1:06am
ok. Too tired at moment to work it out. Will have a bash tomorrow. I can see I took 11000+ but defining which lens etc....more thought required. I will work it out though :)

20-01-2013, 1:37am
In 2012, I shot;

2153 frames (a few more as I would have deleted some in camera but not many)
Most used lens was;
70-200/2.8VR 34.09% with 734 frames

20-01-2013, 2:41am
Last year I asked your most used lens in 2011, so this year lets look at our most used lens in 2012 ... I would be interested to know what is the most used lens amongst other people out there?

I'm only counting the images I published rather than all of the frames I captured, as I shoot a lot more images than I publish, often for manual or automated blending of exposures. The stats also don't include video.

I published 159 images which I captured in 2012. Here are the figures per lens.

Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM: 90
Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L USM: 1
Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM: 6
Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM: 1
Canon EF 135mm f/2L USM: 7
Canon EF 180mm f/3.5L Macro USM: 2
Canon EF 300mm f/2.8L IS USM: 52

So, my 16-35/2.8 took the top spot, followed by my 300/2.8.

Interestingly, in 2012 I used every lens I own.

I still have a number of images from 2012 to publish, and I know that most if not all of the images yet to be published were captured with my 300/2.8, so that lens's utilisation for 2012, while remaining in second place, will increase in the number of images.

I don't think I answered for your lens utilisation question for 2011, so I'll answer that now.

I published 64 images which I captured in 2011 (it was a photographically quiet year), and here are the per-lens figures:

Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM: 54
Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L USM: 2
Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM: 0
Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM: 1
Canon EF 135mm f/2L USM: 0
Canon EF 180mm f/3.5L Macro USM: 5
Canon EF 300mm f/2.8L IS USM: 0
Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L USM (not mine): 2

Again, my 16-35/2.5 took the top spot.

I didn't do any portraiture or much still-life work in 2011, which is reflected in the low figures for my 85/1.2 and 135/2.

As can be seen by these figures, some of my lenses didn't get used at all.

20-01-2013, 10:43am
Sigma 50-500: 3093
Canon 70-200 2.8L: 2564
Canon 24-105: 1865
Canon 100-400: 1435
Canon 100-400 +1.4: 1370
Canon 16-35: 264
Canon 50 1.4: 169

So, pretty much favoured the longer range which is not surprising as I have done a lot of wildlife type stuff and a trip to Africa boosted the overall numbers.

20-01-2013, 11:09am
Most, you ask?
OK, well that's easy: a 75-205 FF zoom of legacy ilk.
(I won't bother with a scale of others used.)

20-01-2013, 2:03pm
As can be seen by these figures, some of my lenses didn't get used at all.

Interesting looking what did not get used at all. For me it was the wide angle range. Neither the 24L or the 16-35L seen the light of day in 2012 (and very rarely in 2011). It is either time to make a hard decision on the future of these lenses, or make a conscious effort to use them more in 2013 (I think it will be the latter of the two).

I have seen what can be achieved with these lenses by looking at some fine examples of your work, and some of the other fine talents on this sight. Each genre in photography is a whole new skill, and I will enjoy branching out and learning more this year. My goal this year is to do more sport and landscape photography.

20-01-2013, 2:18pm
I cant go into specific stats as I dont even backup on LR :( I take between 40 and 60 shots each day (In the Mornings) of most genre , I use three lens The Siggy 10-20, 24-105 and Andrews 120-400 DG Siggy it would have to be the 120-400 most used as I use it for Landscapes , People shots and Surfing Followed by the 24-105 for the candid Street/Beach stuff followed by the 10-20 for the Sunrises/Watermovement Images :th3: Did'nt use the 50m 1.8 last year at all :(

20-01-2013, 2:30pm
Interestingly mine was not a wide angle. I used my Sigma 70-200 f2.8 lens the most in 2012 according to my stats.

20-01-2013, 2:53pm
My most used lens is the 70-200mm 2.8L. I use it for sport, portraits and birds (usually with the 2x Extender for the later). It made up for around 78% of the 7097 images that I kept. Interestingly, I used every lens I own last year .. not a hard task really considering my collection is small lol.

I love the 70-200mm, I am sure it will continue to be my most used lens for a long time to come :) ... unless I win lotto lol

20-01-2013, 3:05pm
I used a 55-300mm f3.5-5.6 Nikkor the most. The wide angle 11-16mm f2.8 came a very distant second.

Mary Anne
20-01-2013, 4:15pm
The 100mm for macro and flowers, and the 300mm for birds.

20-01-2013, 5:00pm
Interesting looking what did not get used at all. For me it was the wide angle range. Neither the 24L or the 16-35L seen the light of day in 2012 (and very rarely in 2011). It is either time to make a hard decision on the future of these lenses, or make a conscious effort to use them more in 2013 (I think it will be the latter of the two).

I think that's the better choice.

I'm not too concerned about owning lenses which seldom get used.

Much like the contents of your tool shed, they are tools that get used when the job calls for them. And then, nothing else will do.

I have seen what can be achieved with these lenses by looking at some fine examples of your work, and some of the other fine talents on this sight. Each genre in photography is a whole new skill, and I will enjoy branching out and learning more this year. My goal this year is to do more sport and landscape photography.

Sport has never interested me (even from a non-photographic perspective), but if you get into landscapes, an ultra-wide lens is the tool of the trade. I use mine extensively as you may have seen. Some people like to use telephoto lenses to compress landscapes, but my preference is for vast expanses, or strong foreground subjects captured at a close distance.

The 24/1.4L would be a very nice lens, and I looked at one years ago; but I cannot say I have any use for that focal length, even though it is a nice focal length.

Steve Axford
20-01-2013, 5:59pm
I'm not sure this is for 2012, but I seem to have used my 300mm (plus extenders) about the same amount as my MPE-65mm. That is two extremes. After that I use my 180mm macro and my 14mm. I also sometimes use my other lenses but that relies on opportunity. Of course that is skewed by the fact that I use focus stacking for the MPE and I take a lot of photos to get a good one with the 300mm. The 14mm is much more efficient so I tend not to be as wasteful.

22-01-2013, 7:18pm
70 - 200 mm F2.8 L Goodness first, followed very closely by the Sigma 18 - 50 F2.8 (Which barely leaves the 50D)

I'm guessing my new 300 mm will get flogged with my Sons cricket , followed by Rugby through the winter this fine 2013.

- - - Updated - - -

Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM: 90 -- Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L USM: 1

Xenedis, Do you find the Prime that much better generally, than the zoom?

I understand the extra stops and generally better IQ with primes, but the zoom is exceptional in the IQ department.

Love to read your thoughts, as I've been thinking about the 35 mm F2 IS for portraiture and some more street use.

22-01-2013, 10:44pm
Xenedis, Do you find the Prime that much better generally, than the zoom?

I understand the extra stops and generally better IQ with primes, but the zoom is exceptional in the IQ department.

Are you asking about the 16-35 at 35mm vs. the 35/1.4?

If so, I haven't compared the optical quality between lenses at that focal length; in fact, I rarely use my 16-35 at any focal length other than 16mm. I use it like a prime.

The 35/1.4 is very sharp. The 16-35 is also a solid performer, and I use it more than any other lens, as I shoot 'scapes predominantly.

23-01-2013, 1:36am
70-200 f2.8L.
My favourite and falling in love with it again this year.

23-01-2013, 3:14pm
Are you asking about the 16-35 at 35mm vs. the 35/1.4?

If so, I haven't compared the optical quality between lenses at that focal length; in fact, I rarely use my 16-35 at any focal length other than 16mm. I use it like a prime.

The 35/1.4 is very sharp. The 16-35 is also a solid performer, and I use it more than any other lens, as I shoot 'scapes predominantly.

Thanks Xenedis. Was hoping for more of a direct comparison, at 35mm. But understand what you're saying.

23-01-2013, 5:59pm
Sigma 50-500 – 40% (wildlife)
Sigma 18-250 – 30% (my lazy lens)
Sigma 10-20 – 10% (landscape)
Tamron 28-75/2.8 – 10% (portrait work)
Pentax 50/1.7 – 5%
Pentax 35/2.4 – 5%
Old manual Pentax/Tamron glass – rarely (80-210/4, 28/2.8)

26-01-2013, 1:58am
Sigma 50-500 – 40% (wildlife)
Sigma 18-250 – 30% (my lazy lens)
Sigma 10-20 – 10% (landscape)
Tamron 28-75/2.8 – 10% (portrait work)
Pentax 50/1.7 – 5%
Pentax 35/2.4 – 5%
Old manual Pentax/Tamron glass – rarely (80-210/4, 28/2.8)

This is why you're the most buffed IT guru around, with the 50 - 500 hanging off them most of the time. :lol: