View Full Version : my eagle and hang glider published on line Australian newspaper (and others)

15-01-2013, 11:53am

Several on line newspapers in Oz and weirdly the Uk have posted it too. an english mag has asked for a full res photo to publish and the guy who runs the hang gliding is asking for a fee . :2biggn: not holding my breath for a fee though.
thought I would share although I am still not that happy with the photo wish i had done better.

15-01-2013, 12:19pm
Hooray! Did it yield any pecuniary benefit too?
I notice they got "Stanwell" right:2biggn:

15-01-2013, 1:03pm
Hooray! Did it yield any pecuniary benefit too?
I notice they got "Stanwell" right:2biggn:

Yes I must have sent that detail right. cant understand why i keep mixing it up as I have taken hundreds of bird shots there :2flust:

Mary Anne
15-01-2013, 3:48pm
Does that mean you are famous now Vera.. Can the person who runs the hand gliding do that ?

15-01-2013, 4:00pm
Cool as. You're still going to talk to us, right?

15-01-2013, 4:26pm
Great photo - well deserving of being published - congratulations! :wd:

Mark L
15-01-2013, 9:50pm
Jeez, they could have interviewed and quoted the photographer. :2smile: No photo, no story.
:th3: Vera.

You're still going to talk to us, right?

16-01-2013, 6:26am
Congrats. I do hope you get a fee.

16-01-2013, 9:27am
I'm glad you are getting some recognition for a great capture Vera.

As far as a fee for the opportunistic hang-glider pilot goes, well I'd be telling him "In your dreams". He's already got a million bucks worth of free publicity.

16-01-2013, 11:37am
Did you get paid ?