View Full Version : Unsupported file on tv?

07-12-2012, 11:06am
I gess this belongs in here because it's photos from my photography lol

When i put my photos over to a USB and i plugged it into a set-top box at home and some of the files say unsupported file but they are all .JPG some work some dont and i even plugged thee USB strate into a HD tv at my friends house and still some wont work it still says unsupported file i don't think its a resolution problem cause the ones that do work are as little as 614x480 and as big as 4218x2118 i cant seem to work out how to fix it but the ones that do work look amassing lol can anyone help?

07-12-2012, 11:38am
have you tried a different USB drive. yours could be corrupt.

07-12-2012, 11:41am
ill try that :)

07-12-2012, 2:04pm
Hmm! (Something I tried some while back.)
I think the really large files might be gagg-gg-ing the processor in the STB (though I tried it straight into a TV).

07-12-2012, 4:52pm
Are some processed in different software? There has to be a common factor in why some play and some don't. Experiment. Only put a certain sized image on the drive. Maybe try a heap straight out of the camera. Maybe try only files under 2mb. You will eventually find the problem.

07-12-2012, 8:38pm
Are some processed in different software? There has to be a common factor in why some play and some don't. Experiment. Only put a certain sized image on the drive. Maybe try a heap straight out of the camera. Maybe try only files under 2mb. You will eventually find the problem.

interestion point most of the photos i edit at home with GIMP and some i edited at TAFE with PS and soon when i get my new laptop ill be useing PS so i hope thats not the issue iv notices that most edited with GIMP work but some dont? ones stratet out of the camera work fine

07-12-2012, 10:28pm
There are so many variables that could be causing the issue.

Firstly, check the colour profile settings in each image.
Quite possible that the TV may not like something like adobeRGB, if the jpgs are saved like that.

could be something that is software specific, that is written to the jpg file ... could be ..... etc.

A mate of mine had a similar issue, and he had images that he couldn't display on the TV via a SD card directly, but when the SD card was placed back into the camera(DSLR) he could use the camera to display those same images(that wouldn't display earlier) as slidewhow on the TV!!

If you want to try this test:

Download a program called FSViewer.
Open an image that doesn't display on the TV in FSViewer, and resave it as a jpg again.
Then try to display that image again on the TV the way you tried before, when it wasn't supported.

Does that make a difference? If so, then you will need to be specific in the way you save your images as jpgs!