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21-11-2012, 4:29pm
Getter loader this:

Oh, lucky country!

Duane Pipe
21-11-2012, 6:00pm
I heard the news on the radio and I think its disgusting. The Gutless prick had to single out a female. What a role model he is. Thanks for the footage am

My old hood

This is taken from my place looking over the Rd, This bloke of about 25 was bashed by a neighbor and his girl friend and dumped at his parents place.


Kicking back after a few beers I couldn't help but check out the commotion down the rd. I had the hero factor in me so I jumped into help Neil and was king hit from the side KO.:( and then saved by other neighbors from being stabbed :eek: Than God I sold the place

21-11-2012, 6:14pm
[head-shaking icon] It's as sock as a dig, Duane! [/head-shaking icon] Or, so I say when on the point of speechless!
That's quite a story. Good on yer for havin' a go. I mean... that's my private applause.

The sentences for those two non-entities, well, they were more like disjoint phrases, if you ask me.

Duane Pipe
21-11-2012, 7:06pm
Capital punishment with out appeals would suit me am. The poor bugger died 2 years ago:( He was very fragile and a innocent victim:eek:

Mark L
21-11-2012, 8:56pm
Getter loader this:

Oh, lucky country!

I'm not racist, but ....:angry0:

22-11-2012, 12:49pm
Getter loader this:

Oh, lucky country!

It happens far too frequently by far too many. Given justification by and emboldened through the fear and hate mongering fostered by shock jocks, trashy tabloid newspapers and television shows praying on the ignorance and xenophobia of a section of the public without the capability or independence to think for themselves and looking to those perceived different to lay blame for everything from an ingrown toenail to the federal budget deficit.

Of course, ably assisted by opportunist politicians leaving ethics behind in their dust while rushing to cash in on the simplicity of playing to the ignorance in an unscrupulous race to the bottom.

What has changed in my lifetime? Well, not a great deal as far as looking for scapegoats to blame for our ills and/or retain an imagined but preferable status quo of a bygone era, but be damned if i would have seen, as you so often do now, decent men conspicuously turn a dispassionate head away with indifference to an obvious wrong through either fear of harm or just not giving enough of a damn.

22-11-2012, 2:20pm
prohibition? ban drinking after dark? alcohol nearly always fuels these things and this was no exception...

but what do ya do?

22-11-2012, 10:47pm
Praying? I should say 'preying'. :Doh:

What do you do? Well, for a start, not turn a blind eye to bigotry and perhaps as a society regrow the balls we once had and start putting the bigots back in the holes they crawl out of. In a nutshell, give a damn.

23-11-2012, 12:48pm
Just awful.

My youngest daughter is 4 years old and is prone to breaking out in song regularly. And because we usually reside in PNG, her nursery rhymes and folk songs are usually sung in "tok pisin" (pidgeon English) or Hiri Motu (one of the official languages of PNG). Sad to think that there are people like that back at home who may have nasty thoughts about it.

23-11-2012, 1:25pm
He, and same for the others, could be aptly named in this case, "Chicken Man" ("chicken" for his lack of innards, and "man" being a generic classification for the species).
And remember how Chicken Man got about?
"He's everywhere! He's everywhere!"

(What a pity! And I hope I don't run into one any time soon.)

23-11-2012, 2:18pm
(What a pity! And I hope I don't run into one any time soon.)

I hope I do!

Coz there's no way I could sit quietly and film it that's for sure!!

I'm not one to start, but I'll tell you now, I'm quite happy to finish it!!

Duane Pipe
23-11-2012, 3:22pm
[QUOTE=ving;1090988]prohibition? ban drinking after dark?

Cut that out Davo they might hear you:D