View Full Version : Tricky returns...

20-11-2012, 9:42pm

It's been a while since I posted on AP... must have been, cause when I tried to surf around the forum I got informed my access had been reduced!

Whilst I love my photography - and always will - its been hard to find the time recently. I've got two small boys, aged 5 yrs and 11 months respectively, and the 5 year old has been diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum - probably Asperger's but too early to tell.

I keep saying that I need to make time for photography and other interests, but it's challenging! OK, I'm going to go away now and post process some pics I took a few weeks back. Proof will be if I manage to post something in this forum!

20-11-2012, 11:08pm
Good to see you again Richard.


Mary Anne
20-11-2012, 11:41pm
Sorry to read about your Son Richard though good to see you here and Welcome Back
I will look forward to seeing what you post on the Forums

21-11-2012, 7:41am
Welcome back Richard. Hope you do find the time to do a bit of photography along the way, it can be the stress release you probably need at times.

21-11-2012, 9:16am
:gday: & Welcome Back

21-11-2012, 11:11pm
Thanks guys :)

23-11-2012, 4:50pm
Hi welcome back to AP :)

23-11-2012, 6:58pm
Hi Richard, sorry to hear about your Son. Keep your interest and take loads of photos when you can.


23-11-2012, 7:26pm
Welcome back! I've recently returned too.

Hope your little guys diagnosis brings some clarity and strategies.

25-11-2012, 7:37pm
From memory you did that mirrored portrait of a sunrise/set over the mangroves. Pain alone is unbearable, but there's a richness to be found when your life also has love and your eye for beauty.