View Full Version : lack inspiration : build a landscape on the kitchen bench

18-11-2012, 12:27pm
Somehow I wonder if it would just be easier to get outside and take photos : http://www.petapixel.com/2012/10/19/a-behind-the-scenes-glimpse-of-matthew-albaneses-magical-miniature-worlds/

18-11-2012, 12:34pm
Amazing stuff.

Looking at the images, one would never know -- or believe -- that they're not real landscapes, and were created in a 'studio' environment.

I wonder if this guy was involved with the first moon landing... ;-)

It might be easier to go and photograph real landscapes, but it seems to me that the creativity in building and lighting the 'landscape' is perhaps more significant to the photographer than the final image.

It's certainly very original.

I @ M
18-11-2012, 12:41pm
That brings a whole new meaning to obsession.
Brilliant results though.

Miss Jane
18-11-2012, 1:31pm
OMG that is amazing. He has way to much time to spare!

Mary Anne
18-11-2012, 6:02pm
Very Interesting he much have the patience of a saint

18-11-2012, 9:25pm
Many of us go to a lot of trouble to get "the shot"
He takes that to a whole new dimension.
Mind you, if the lighting etc aren't quite perfect, he has no-one but himself to blame :lol:

There's more of his stuff here:

and if you have Facebook, here https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.218903147859.132271.218900612859&type=3
and here https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.218948777859.132291.218900612859&type=3