View Full Version : And your favourite author is?

Mark L
10-09-2012, 10:01pm
I have a few I really like, but there can only be one favourite.
Go on, make your choice.

Mine, John Irving.

11-09-2012, 7:26am
Bryce Courtnay only because of his book The Australian Trilogy

11-09-2012, 7:29am
Anne Rice

11-09-2012, 7:47am
I love Robin Hobb, particularly her Farseer Trilogy and the Golden Fool trilogy.

One of my favourite books is The God Delusion.

I also love a good biography, or autobiography. The one that I've enjoyed the most so far though is on Geoffrey Robertson.

11-09-2012, 8:22am
Diana Gabaldon, the series starting with Cross Stitch

11-09-2012, 8:26am
Definitely Ken Follett

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Film Street
11-09-2012, 8:53am
Robert Monroe

11-09-2012, 8:58am
Matthew Reilly

11-09-2012, 9:02am
Well, since you asked -

I have been seen with Jude the Obscure,
I sometimes wander Far From The Madding Crowd,
Though I do not have a Pair of Blue Eyes,
I await The Return Of The Native,
I don't think The Mayor Of Casterbridge was returned on the weekend,
But I will not finish Tess Of The Durbevilles.

- would have to be my favourite author, but there are a few others, like Richard Adams for Watership Down.

11-09-2012, 11:06am
Wilbur Smith - started reading his stuff as a teenager in the late '70s / early '80s

11-09-2012, 12:24pm
Hard to name just one as I like a couple of genre's but if pushed I'd say Cormac McCarthy
Blood Meridian
No Country for Old Men
The Road

Mark L
11-09-2012, 8:02pm
Diana Gabaldon, the series starting with Cross Stitch

I googled this to see if it was a series on embroidery. :D

11-09-2012, 8:07pm
Rachael Treasure (Tasmanian Author)

11-09-2012, 8:11pm
Oh! And if you're into war description, or just war, or just description, try Bernard Cornwell's (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Cornwell) "Sharpe" series.
The opening pages of "Sharpe's Waterloo" would make you a pacifist forever.

11-09-2012, 9:44pm
Agatha Christie

11-09-2012, 10:10pm
Stephen King :eek:

Mark L
11-09-2012, 10:14pm
Oh! And if you're into war description, or just war, or just description, try Bernard Cornwell's (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Cornwell) "Sharpe" series.
The opening pages of "Sharpe's Waterloo" would make you a pacifist forever.

Belief it or not, Ben Elton wrote a book about war that "would make you a pacifist forever."
But for this thread, you can only have one favourite author, so Am's quote and this post don't exist.:)

12-09-2012, 6:54am
Barry Crump.

12-09-2012, 8:45am
:) ameerat42 thanked for this useful post
To specify, I could not have:rolleyes:

Dylan & Marianne
12-09-2012, 9:20am
Geroge RR Martin (before he hit book4 of the current series)

12-09-2012, 9:47am
I couldn't choose one. I have over 2000 novels alone plus about 1000 non fiction. No way I could isolate one.

12-09-2012, 5:54pm
I googled this to see if it was a series on embroidery. :D


Totally understandable with a title like 'Cross Stitch', this was the first book in the series which in the U.S. was called The Outlander. No idea why the title was changed for Australia.

It is actually called 'The Outlander Series' with 7 books so far, the 8th is supposed to come out early 2013. Long time waiting since the last book, but it will be totally worth it.

12-09-2012, 10:36pm
Anne McCaffrey, and specifically, the DragonRiders of Pern series.

Geoff Port
13-09-2012, 11:55am
John le Carre

" The Mission Song"
"The Constant Gardner"
"Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy"
"The Little Drummer Girl"
"The Russia House"
to name but a few favorites.
And this thread reminds me, I must start a re read.

13-09-2012, 12:17pm
Jack Kerouac

13-09-2012, 1:47pm
just to be the first....

Doctor Seuss.

13-09-2012, 2:11pm
just to be the first....

Doctor Seuss.

That's all we thneed!:rolleyes:

13-09-2012, 6:54pm
J.R.R. Tolkien for his sheer scope of imagination in writing a book (The Lord Of The Rings) that is an absolute fantasy classic.

13-09-2012, 7:32pm
The only person for true adventure - Clive Cussler :cool:

Mary Anne
13-09-2012, 8:05pm
Sherryl Woods.

13-09-2012, 11:21pm
Dr. Seuss....but I keep Dostoyevsky nearby to impress the chicks.
Say what you may but The Brothers Karamazov will never steady a wobbly darkroom bench as well as Green Eggs and Ham.

Mark L
14-09-2012, 10:40pm
We all have photography as a common interest. Your choice of reading is wonderful. It shows how people with a common interest can have such varied tastes. Thanks for contributing.
Odille, go on, name three then. And the rest of you need to start reading John Irving. :D
Aren't you lucky the question wasn't "who's you favourite Australian author."

14-09-2012, 11:23pm
nelson de mille

14-09-2012, 11:57pm
Another vote for Tolkein. :th3: After not having read Lord of the Rings for over 15 years, I made the mistake of reading them again just before watching the movies...:rolleyes: then spent half the movies bemoaning all the bits they left out. WHERE WAS TOM BOMBADIL in the movie??? (still loved the movies though )

Honorable mentions;
Isaac Asimov- Another master of weaving incredibly complex worlds and stories across space & time
Douglas Adams - what can I say?
Dr Seuss was one author I never got tired of reading to my kids when they were small - I reckon he must have been on some wild drugs though.

And the latent bogan in me loves Jeremy Clarkson:D...even though his books are basically all identical and sound just like he just wrote down what he was thinking on a napkin during a Top Gear episode.

Anyway, I'll shut up now. So long & thanks for all the Fish :D

15-09-2012, 7:12am
I'm like Odille. No one favourite. Large book collection.
My fiction books are mainly sci-fi/fantasy with recent preference for "space opera" sci-fi. Latest book just finished was "Caliban's war" by James Corey.
Currently reading an autobiography "Steve Jobs" by Walter Isaacson.

Mark L
15-09-2012, 7:57pm
Anyway, I'll shut up now. So long & thanks for all the Fish :D

Was confused be this 'til I read it out aloud and that thing someone put in my ear interpreted it's meaning for my. Now I'm not so depressed.:)

16-09-2012, 2:31am
Edgar Rice Burroughs. A lot of his stuff is very dated and certainly not PC, but first read Tarzan at school, then the John Carter books. Loved them all and still have copies.

17-09-2012, 11:35pm
There is a list but one that comes to mind Eric Van Lastbader


20-09-2012, 9:08pm
Got a few... Considering I'm relatively young... these are the few that I have read a lot of at any one time.

Stephen Lawhead
George RR Martin

Yep, fantasy books for me! :)

28-09-2012, 3:28pm
After recently reading the trilogy of The Hunger Games I have to say that Suzanne Collins has to be my fav writer atm... it took me a week to read book 1 (due to kids), 2 days to read book 2 and 10hrs to read the last book... Books where wayyyyyyy better than the movie. although it was the movie that inticed me to read the books...

28-09-2012, 3:43pm
1 fish...

Film Street
28-09-2012, 4:01pm
Dr. Seuss is another

28-09-2012, 4:09pm

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