View Full Version : ANZANG: Got publised in The Weekend Australian Magazine

01-09-2012, 1:22pm
A friend emailed me this morning to let me know my image has been featured in an article about ANZANG in The Weekend Australian Magazine. Possibly the widest publication I have had ever.

I entered ANZANG earlier in the year and have been shortlisted for the comp, which means the image be in the annual book publication and likely see an image touring again this year.

Thanks to AP and it's Members for inspiring me to develop my photography to greater levels!


01-09-2012, 2:04pm
Congratulations ,I would think its a pretty hard comp to get accepted into. I have been lucky enough to be in Adelaide for that exhibition the last couple of years and found it to be really great Nature photography.
I was not aware that images get toured. Do you know where and when?

01-09-2012, 2:32pm
Just check the ANZANG website, the tour dates are all there. I'd say last years has ended as the second tour of WA has just finished.

Though it's not quite the same as the prints in real like, you can see all (?) the images, past an present, on the website.

01-09-2012, 2:38pm
Congrats Wayne - well done mate! :th3: