View Full Version : Getting ready for a Sunrise / Sunset

22-07-2012, 3:28pm
Hi all just wondering how you know wear the sun will rise or set? so far I know what time it will rise and set, I'm just wondering if anyone uses anything to predict wear it will, Iv noticed and some times Iv missed a good shoot because i was a few hundred meters away from wear I should be, So my question is how do you know wear you should be for that good photo?

22-07-2012, 3:35pm
If you have an iPhone, Android phone, or tablet, download 'the photographers ephemeris'. If not, you can use the desktop version, but you need to tell it your location, rather than use the GPS built into the app.


22-07-2012, 3:53pm
If you have an iPhone, Android phone, or tablet, download 'the photographers ephemeris'. If not, you can use the desktop version, but you need to tell it your location, rather than use the GPS built into the app.


Coll thanks ill have to check it out when in on the pc for some reson on this laptod the speeds are SLOWWWW lol