View Full Version : New section

03-06-2012, 10:29pm
Hi, i wondered what peoples thoughts were on having a new section that shows images before they have been post processed with lightroom,photoshop or others. Maybe even showing two images a before processing and after.

I am not against post processing and have seen some wonderful images on this forum but it would be nice to see what some of them looked like out of camera so to speak. It would also highlight how you can turn an average image into something that has the wow factor.

Just a thought so please don't bite my head off for it as i know the post processing issue can be a bit of a minefield.

Cheers Ruski.

04-06-2012, 4:23am
The only problem with seeing images straight out of camera(SOOC) is that they are open to the vagaries of software interpretation!!

That is, your choice of software to open and view the file(unless jpg) will display wildly different images even if it's the same image.
(of course this assumes the image is raw).

Even if the image is a jpg, there are subtle differences in the way most software display the image.

I use Nikon's software to view and process my raw files, and the images viewed back on the PC are identical to how they looked on the camera.
Other software I use is Lightroom, and FastStone's FSViewer as well. Both these programs display the same files either completely differently compared to the Nikon software, in the case of raw files .. and only slightly differently in the case of jpg files.
With jpg image files, all software should display jpg(and TIFF) images identical, but the fact is that the software may display them very slightly differently in terms of contrast and some brightness levels.

So seeing images SOOC, is kind of pointless in some ways, as they will be open to 'interpretation' due to the software used to open the files.

I understand what it is you are asking, and it makes sense .. but in the scheme of things, it's not quite as important as you think it may be.

We don't need a new section for this either .. it's been done before, and anyone can post an image into any normal CC forum and is allowed to post both before and after PP images if they wish.

04-06-2012, 6:10am
The forums are setup based fairly much on genre, not on processing technique. Just place them in the critique forum that the subject matter of the photo applies to. There is nothing stopping anyone presenting the original and the finished photo on the site.

When it comes down to it, there really is not such thing as straight out of camera. Those who shoot RAW must at the least, convert to JPG, and those that shoot JPG are allowing the software in the camera to convert the RAW sensor data. As soon as a photo is converted to JPG, changes occur, based on the JPG algorythm.

05-06-2012, 5:30pm
Thanks for the replies. I suppose i get a little frustrated as, being a fairly new photographer and somebody not all that good at pp, my images lack impact and get overlooked whereas some images that have been processed are raved about. I would just like to see those images at the start of the pp game and at the end to see how much you can improve an image.

05-06-2012, 6:20pm
I am always happy to share both pics and understand what you are saying!!
Sometimes we can follow a formula of shooting that someone has posted and can't for the life of ourselves figure out where we go wrong! When quite often it is that persons post processing that makes a huge difference!!
I like to supply pre and post images so that newbies aren't discouraged from giving something a good go!!

I hear you and if any of mine tickle yr fancy, just ask and happy to oblige!

05-06-2012, 7:16pm
Thank you Cindy for a great reply.

As i have said i am a great admirer of somebody who enhances an image using say Lightroom but it would be good to see and hear from people who would be willing to say well this is what i started with and this is the finished article. I think it would be inspirational for many people including myself.


05-06-2012, 7:30pm
Couldn't agree with you more ruski and I am sure that there a lot of people on here that are happy to oblige besides myself!
Never be afraid to ask and good for you for putting it out there!